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I don't have much...

maybe to the ones I've seen

I exist in an empty space where

a world of knowing me ceases

to exist or show itself,


in those I lack I have many more,

even so from long ago

I can still carry them with me.

When I was younger,

I too had a father,

he bought me everything,

through him,

even as a child,

I swear I would be more.

It was a broken home, yes,

that I can admit,

all because of her no longer is he round,


he's far away.

I hope he's not forgotten,

not yet,

at least.

I knew three sisters,

their cousin,

their mother and father,

the friends of my pa were friends of mine.

They were my family away from that

I knew.

I would sleep there when he worked late,

I'd learn that of which I'd never know,

we'd go places,

they'd throw parties and buy me gifts

around the holidays,

and the eldest, when she wasn't working,

would do absolutely anything for me.

They were older and wiser,

but because of them I'm older and

wiser now.

I've moved away and only seen

Kimberly and Emily

once since,

at least while we had our time

I learned their heartbeats

just as they taught me to listen


for the memories inside.

I hope to see them again.

I've had brothers,

not just sisters,

it's too bad unlike at the

start of this tradition

I know,

I forgot that what I

was looking to listen for were

beats in time,

as we all know faces tend to fade

1. Memories, For, When I Am. (Being edited 2024)Where stories live. Discover now