"I still can't belive this is actually happening," kata gue ke Diana waktu gue sama dia lagi siap-siap buat sarapan di bawah. "It feels like I'm living in a fanfiction, but it's not like the common fanfiction I usually read; Harry Styles randomly showed up on the street and the girl who-is-the-big-fangirl walked around too, and Harry accidentally threw a drink on her cloth and the girl was like 'Omg are you Harry Styles?!' and Harry would be like 'Yeah, are you okay?' and the girl would say 'M'kay...?' and then Harry looked at the beautiful eyes of her and then 'I'm so sorry, I gotta go now. Here's my number, you have my soul.' Gosh! It's not like –"
"ASTAGA AVRIL LU NGOMONG APAAN GUE GA NGERTI!" pekik Diana degan wajahnya yang frustasi, dia lagi nyisir rambutnya.
"GUE GA BISA PERCAYA KALO INI BENERAN!" teriak gue, heboh. "Astaga, masa lo ga seneng sama sekali, sih, waktu tau temen lo di undang sama idolanya? Ke London pula! Dan lo bagaikan ketiban emas jatoh, gue ngajak lo ke sini! Gosh!"
"I've been in London twice."
"Bitch, I knew. I've been in London once, but this is so fucking different. I meet my idol here, how could fanfictions gone real."
Dan setelah gue ngomong itu, Diana cuma diem doang. Sibuk nyisir rambutnya dengan satu tangan.
"Diana, lo lama banget deh sumpah," protes gue lagi.
"Udah selesai," respon Diana.
Gue sama Diana keluar dari kamar. Omong-omong sekarang cuacanya dingin parah, entah karena kulit gue emang tipikal kulit orang Indonesia yang ga tahan dingin atau emang suhunya yang rendah di sini karena ini bulan November. Andaikan Jakarta sedingin ini, hidup gue tentram kali.
Gue pasang earphone di kedua telinga gue, trus gue nge-shuffle lagunya. Man, I can't live without music. Just so you know.
They don't know how special you are,
They don't know what you've done my heart,
They can say anything they want,
Cause they don't know 'bout us
Astaga, GILA. This song is Larry af. Sumpah deh. Gue berspektakulasi kalo sebenernya di lagu ini, mereka aka Louis dan Harry bener-bener mau come out di saat itu, tapi sayangnya banyak orang-orang yang menentang tentang hubungan mereka. Banyak yang bilang mereka terlalu muda untuk tau tentang segalanya, banyak yang bilang mereka terlalu muda buat 'sama-sama' karena mereka ga tau konsekuensi dari gay. Tapi setiap kali banyak yang bilang begitu, mereka selalu bersentuhan, bercakap-cakap, sehingga semuanya menjadi lebih manis.
Siapa yang tau kalo sebenernya begitu ceritanya?
Oke, gue tau bahwa Louis sendiri udah konfirmasi ke gue kalo dia dan Harry emang ga pernah punya hubungan khusus dan faktanya mereka hetero seksual. But once again, who knows?
Dia konfirmasi hal tersebut waktu gue lagi sering nge-post fake texts lucu, trus nge-retweet beberapa manips lucu dan lain-lain. Dan saat itu, he doesn't know me well. Gue juga kalo misalnya gue adalah seorang lesbian yang belum comes out, gue ga bakalan bocorin hal tersebut ke sembarang orang.
Ah, my mind's going wild.
Shipping is just for fun.
It's the time to all Larries and Elounor or Hendall or Lounielle to stop the dramas. But lmao, believe me it won't be.
"Avril, Diana!"
Gue denger nama gue di panggil sama seseorang dari sudut mana gue ga tau, jadi gue nanya ke Diana. "Siapa yang manggil?"
[1] fangirl ;; lt
FanfictionBeing one of those fangirls doesn't make the life of Avrillia Zara easier than the other normals. It does not okay to be judged by a lot of people because she likes -oh even loves, even addicts to 1D so much. The thing is; they will never know how m...