"So now we're going to London Eye!" sorak gue, tangan gue menjulur panjang buat ngeliatin keadaan di sekitar kapsul-kapsul London Eye yang makin deket, setelah gue selesai record video-nya, gue langsung masukin ke story.
Omong-omong, gue sebenernya udah turun dari parkiran dan sebentar lagi menuju tempat penukaran tiket. Kita beli tiketnya online, sebenernya bukan masalah hemat apa engga, tapi bakalan males banget buat antri tiket yang reguler.
"Okay, so, why are we so stupid?" kata Liam tiba-tiba, semuanya langsung noleh ke dia dan ngasih tatapan 'lo-aja-kali-yang-bego-bukan-kita'.
"You stupid, not us," koreksi Niall.
"No, no. A lot of people here will recognize the four of us and we didn't even ask a bodyguard to join us."
"If the fans recognize us, this will be a completely disaster," timpal Louis. "Not to be misunderstanding person, but they are just so... kinda... too obsessed with us. Like they want to get close to us, they love us and we'll try to appreciate it but they still hurt us, physically. Like grabbing our shirt, or even trying to touch us but in the disrespectful ways."
"Hurt, like did you guys ever get scars because of meeting fans?" tanya Diana, kepo. Gadeng, dia mah sok-sok kepo doang.
Niall mengangguk. "Sometimes, they are going wild. Like if you go out and meet them, they will try to grab or touch anything, like my ears, my face, my shirt."
"So what will we do now?" tanya Harry.
"Anjir, kita gimana dong entar," gumam gue.
Diana noleh ke gue dengan ekspresinya yang seakan ngomong 'kenapa-lo-nanya-gue-bego'. "Ya mana gue tau," dia mengangkat bahunya dan bibirnya menyudut ke bawah, sok imut lu anjing.
"This will be okay," kata Liam stay cool, lah padahal tadi dia yang paniknya minta ampun. "I have maskers and a glass for me."
"How about our hair?" tanya Harry.
"Come on, you always bring beanie everywhere. The three of us wear jacket to cover up."
"Diana and I will exchange the e-tickets, you guys can hide or something to wait the tickets," usul gue.
"Alright," Louis ngangguk. "Just text me if the tickets are ready."
"Okay." Setelah ngomong demikian, mereka berempat langsung menuju – ga tau mereka mau ke mana sih, tapi menurut gue mereka bakalan ke parkiran buat ngambil masker sama ngambilin beanie-nya Harry. Sedangkan gue dan Diana pergi ke loket penukaran tiket online.
Gue buka aplikasi kamera di iPhone gue dan foto beberapa pemandangan di sini, trus gue ngarahin kameranya ke gue dan Diana, bermaksud buat ngambil beberapa selfie mumpung masih ngantri.
"Vril, entar lo kuliah di mana?"
"Masih lama gila," jawab gue, spontan.
"Kan, bentar lagi. Waktu ga kerasa, man."
"Entah, New York? Los Angeles? London? Entah, yang pasti gue bakalan pilih jurusan hukum di luar negri, jadi gampang dapet kerja."
"Bareng sama gue aja di L.A. gimana?"
"Entah, gue pernah omongin sama nyokap, dia bilang mending entar kuliah di London atau New York aja, bagus."
"Gue jadi kangen sama anak-anak," kata Diana tiba-tiba. "Gimana ya ekspresi langsung mereka waktu tau lo begini sama 1D?"
[1] fangirl ;; lt
FanfictionBeing one of those fangirls doesn't make the life of Avrillia Zara easier than the other normals. It does not okay to be judged by a lot of people because she likes -oh even loves, even addicts to 1D so much. The thing is; they will never know how m...