Warning: feel bad to say im a bit uncomfortable for making this chapter, gue ga terbiasa buat percakapan lebih dari 3 orang jadi ini bakalan sedikit... jelek dan banyak pengulangan kata. Jadi mohon di maklumi ya
"What title of our song that you love to hear live from us?" tanya Niall, dia lagi pegang gitarnya dan duduk dengan santai di sofa.
Iya, gue, Diana sama mereka lagi ada di kamar hotel mereka. Jadi di sini tuh ada ruang tamunya gitu, duh gimana ya gue jelasinnya, jadi di dalam kamar hotel, ada ruangan-ruangannya lagi. Tapi gue ga ngerti namanya apaan.
Gue menoleh waktu Niall berucap demikian, astaga. Mereka bakalan nyanyi? Langsung di depan gue? Tanpa instrumen apapun kecuali gitar? Man, are you trying to kill me? "Little Things?"
"Great choice, I love that song," Liam ngangguk setuju dan senyum ke arah gue. "But can you tell me the reason why do you love that song, anyway? I mean, we have a lot of different songs... and you choose that old one."
"I didn't know song has numbers of age?" tanya gue, dengan sarkastik.
"She's just as sarcastic as Louis," Harry berpendapat, aksennya ituloh bener-bener pelan dan lucu. Aksen british-nya juga kental banget. "Did he teach you that?"
"I've never taught her to be sarcastic," Louis protes. "I'm the sassy mastah from Doncastah anyway, get off Mr. Sassy Wannabe."
"Vril, mereka suka banget sih berantem," Diana nyenggol gue sambil berbisik-bisik, waktu gue noleh gue mendapati wajah Diana lagi frustasi parah.
Gue ketawa pelan. "Entahlah, itu alesan kenapa gue suka mereka. Gue nyesel ga nge-fans sama mereka waktu What Makes You Beautiful keluar dan bahkan baru jadi fan semenjak Little Things keluar."
"Gue ga pernah terlalu tertarikk banget gitu sih kayak lu, paling cuma denger lagu-lagu mereka waktu galau doang. Itupun elo yang kasih rekomendasinya."
Petikan gitar Niall kedengaran di telinga gue, sontak gue langsung ngeliat ke Niall. "Okay, so we're gonna sing Little Things!"
"Your hand fits in mine like it's made just for me,
But bear this in mind, it was meant to be,
And I'm joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheeks,
And it all makes sense to me..." gue mulai nyanyi seiring dengan Harry ngebuka lagu itu, gue bener-bener pengen senyum-senyum sendiri, pengen nangis, pengen teriak. Rasanya... semua emosi gue bergabung jadi satu, membentuk kesatuan yang membuat gue merasa bener-bener hidup. Sebut itu metafora aneh dari gue, tapi itu bener.
"I know you've never loved the crinkles by your eyes when you smile,
You've never loved your stomach or your thighs,
The dimples in your back at the bottom of your spine,
But I'll love them endlessly," Liam nyanyi, suaranya bener-bener menghayati.
Gue pengen nangis.
"I won't let these little things,
Slip out of my mouth,
But if I do,
It's you,
Oh it's you,
They add up to,
I'm in love with you,
And all these little things."
[1] fangirl ;; lt
FanfictionBeing one of those fangirls doesn't make the life of Avrillia Zara easier than the other normals. It does not okay to be judged by a lot of people because she likes -oh even loves, even addicts to 1D so much. The thing is; they will never know how m...