"Is she that famous on Twitter?" tanya Louis, dia kaget waktu tau si Kath itu tuh tau username gue di Twitter. Gue juga ga tau kalo gue ternyata seeksis itu di Twitter.
Kath mengangguk. "Since she confirmed the mysterious girl whom you hug was her on Twitter, she told us that she was 17blacklarry on Twitter but her account was suspended. And well, we started stalk her account such as Snapchat and we are still looking for her Instagram so that we can all know her really face."
Gue... kaget, astaga. Apakah mereka segitu keponya sama gue? Sebenernya gue bener-bener pengen nampar muka gue sekarang juga, atau bahkan terjun dari atas lemari cuma buat mastiin kalo sekarang gue tuh emang ga mimpi. Ini semua berasa kayak... imajinasi-imajinasi yang berada di dalam otak gue, yang ga akan pernah ada, tapi pada akhirnya imajinasi gue tuh perlahan-lahan jadi hidup.
"She cried when she saw me, so I gave her a soft hug in hoping she would stop crying, yet she cried even harder," jawab Louis ditambah dengan ketawa di beberapa kalimatnya. "She's a fan and a friend of mine, she's not my girlfriend. Come on."
Gue langsung garuk-garuk kepala. "As he said, I'm a fan and not even his girlfriend."
"May I hug you?"
"Come here sweetheart," balas Louis. Dua-dua tangannya merentang untuk meluk si Kath itu, meluk Kath dengan bener-bener hangat.
Is he even a human?
"Thank you for the very, very, very soft and warm hug, Louis," Kath senyum lebar banget, dia pasti bener-bener seneng buat bisa ketemu secara random gini sama Louis. I would do exactly the same thing as her kalo gue ketemu sama Louis tiba-tiba gini.
Gue melamun dan seketika pikiran-pikiran gue kembali bersuara. Dulu gue ngira bahwa gue ga akan ketemu sama idola gue dan emang bener-bener cuma sebatas mimpi doang, like gue ga akan bisa bilang ke mereka betapa mereka membantu gue dalam waktu-waktu terberat gue dengan musik yang mereka bikin.
Lagu mereka yang Little Things emang punya lirik yang bener-bener dalem dan bikin gue jatuh cinta waktu gue pertama kali denger itu, gue tau gue udah ngomong hal itu berulang kali tapi itu ga akan cukup buat deskripsiin.
"She left."
Omongan itu buat gue langsung sadar seketika. Gue nengok dan bener, Kath udah pergi. "She must be so happy to meet you."
"How do you know?" tanya Louis, dia duduk dan nyedot kopinya.
Gue pasang ekspresi datar gue. "I thought you know that I'm a big fan of your band, so?"
"Stop saying you're a fan. You're a friend to me, to us," jawab Louis sambil menyipitkan matanya. ASDFGHJKL.
SUMPAH GUA GA TAU HARUS NGOMONG APA LAGI. HELP, HELP, HELP. "But still," gue ngomong dan gue ga tau lagi harus ngomong apa karena ini sumpah super, duper, awkward. Gue buka iPhone gue dan berharap kalau di Starbucks sini ada wifi sama kayak di Indonesia. Dan akhirnya gue dapet, tapi pake password. "What's the wifi password?"
"I have no idea, you ask the wrong person. I'm not the barista, here."
"You're so annoying."
"That's good, I think I need to change my name to Louis Annoying Sassy Tomlinson. Ain't that good?" Louis ngomong ke gue, cepet banget, kayak kereta api. "Okay, okay. If you want a wifi connection then I volunteer my internet quota for sharing a hotspot to you."
Gue langsung mengalihkan pandangan gue ke Louis. Astaga, gue bakalan dapet hotspot dari Louis, man. iPhone gue bakalan jadi iPhone bersejarah sepanjang masa. "What's your hotspot name, I can't find your name –"
"It's Sassy Buritto."
"What kind of name is that?"
"I don't know, sometimes crazy names and ideas show up around my brain," kata Louis ke gue. "And I always want to give my kid name with something cute and different."
Fuck. Gue tercengang waktu denger Louis berbicara tentang nama anak, gue bahkan lupa kalo dia sebentar lagi mau jadi seorang... ayah. "How's your soon child, anyway?"
"Soon child?" tanya Louis balik. "You mean me and Briana's?"
Gue ngangguk. "Is it a boy? Or is it a girl?"
"I thought you didn't believe that baby was mine," kata Louis. "I mean, you always think that this is all about our shitty management, but it's not. If I could be honest."
"Sorry about that," gue ngomong dengan canggung. "We barely know your real, truly, life."
"All right," jawabnya. "So I didn't know if the baby was mine or Oli's, because we didn't take the DNA test. And if the baby is Oli's, I still have to say the baby is mine."
"What do you mean?"
Louis diem sebentar, kayak mikirin sesuatu yang harus dia keluarin dari mulut dia sekarang.
"I'm asking."
"You know, celebrities have their own privacy and can't tell other people about that."
"What are you saying?" gue tanya. Serius gue bingung, tadi dia tuh cerita lancar banget soal bayi yang ada di kandungan Briana. Dia juga bilang dia belum tes DNA dan kalaupun bayi itu adalah anaknya Oli, dia harus tetep bilang kalo bayi yang di kandung sama Briana itutuh punya dia. "Are you saying that I'm disrespectful for asking about the baby?"
"No, not like that. You just, you just won't understand how it works. Being a celebrity doesn't as good as you think. Like I hang out with a girl, they assumed that me and the girl are dating. Sometimes, you need to lie in order to hide the secrets behind. You have to keep your privacy away from the medias, because once the know, they will tell a lot of people."
Gue melongo, sama sekali ga ngerti sama apa yang di omongin sama Louis sekarang. Maksud gue, apa poinnya? "What's the point?"
"You don't understand," Louis tarik napasnya. "I think we need to go now. We still have a lot of cool plans. We didn't even go to London Eye, we need to take some selfies there."
"Right! When are we going?" tanya gue dengan excited. Tapi gue tau kalo sebenernya Louis cuma berusaha buat ganti topik, dan gue tau mungkin gue bakalan ga sopan banget buat tanya-tanya soal yang tadi ke Louis. Dalam istilahnya, gue baru kenal sama Louis selama beberapa bulan dan tentu aja, dia pasti ga akan cerita tentang kehidupan pribadinya ke gue. Apalagi, gue adalah seorang penggemar.
"Next day, maybe? The others will be joining us."
"I can't wait!" gue histeris sendiri. "The view must be stunning around the River Thames," oh tentu gue tau, gue pernah ke sini sama nyokap dan bokap waktu umur 13 tahun. Udah cukup lama, sih.
"Have you been in London before?"
"I have. But it's been so long."
Oke ini chapter garing abis cuma buat clear chapt sebelumnya ok semua ini salahkan matematika yang membuat gue sangat merasa terdzolimi
[1] fangirl ;; lt
FanfictionBeing one of those fangirls doesn't make the life of Avrillia Zara easier than the other normals. It does not okay to be judged by a lot of people because she likes -oh even loves, even addicts to 1D so much. The thing is; they will never know how m...