Chapter 1

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New story! Warning of smut, swearing, smoking and will potentially be triggers xx

- first posted 8th May 2016

Update: trailer now up! Check it out :D

Chapter 1

Luke 💕

"Outta my way, Hemmings!"

The bell rang and a hoard of crazy hormonal teenagers filed out of the classrooms, almost knocking me over. One of these rude pushers happened to be one of my bullies, Calum Hood, who was closely followed by his crew of hoodie-wearers and cigarette smokers.

I let them shove past me, I let them throw my books on the ground and I let them stand and jeer whilst I picked them up. I was the kid that most people bullied – the weird one who wore black, listened to emo music and looked sad as fuck.

Just when I'd finished collecting my belongings, Calum's hand met my head and pushed me back down, creating a bruise on my knee. Great - another new member of the knee bruise colony.

I don't know why I put up with them. If only I was a bit stronger, I'd be able to stand up to them and fight them off - but no, I was just weak little Luke Hemmings whose brother was now approaching him.

"Luke, what the fuck? Did they beat you up again?" He bent down and helped me up, dusting my jeans with a grimace. "You need to stop letting them do this to you." Jack was a year older than me, but I felt quite distant to him. Hewas the better Hemmings with the good grades, the friends, the life I wanted. He didn't know how to help me, because he'd never had to be in my position before.

"I know," I barely whispered, with a prickling tear trying to force its way out. Not today buddy. No – you can go right back where you came from. "Let's just go home."

"Oh I just remembered - I've got a physics meeting after school today; you can head back first if you like or you can wait in the library."

"I'll go now. See you later."

He waved, saying one last thing - "You could try smiling a little, it'd do you good."


I turned the corner, my Vans scuffing on the pavement as I dragged myself home: my mind was full of empty thoughts, wandering into realms I didn't even know existed.

Suddenly, a ball hit my head.

It was thrown by the all too familiar football team captain, and I turned around despite knowing nothing good ever came out of speaking to Calum Hood.

"Yo," he greeted. I tried to stop the ball rolling with my foot but ended up tripping over it and falling over, no thanks to my stupidly lanky long legs. "You are such a fail, Hemmings."

"You say that to me enough times at school, do you really need to repeat it outside of it?" - is what I wanted to say but instead I said, rather sheepishly, "I'm sorry." I then picked up his ball and gave it back, pressing on and trying my best to ignore him.

"Hey wait - I have a favour to ask of you."

What more could he possibly want from me? I stopped walking and scuffed my shoe again, hands gripping tightly to my backpack. "G-go on, what is it?"

He cleared his throat, moving himself so he was stood opposite me, waiting for the couple behind us to walk past before speaking. "I need you to talk to your brother for me."


"He doesn't talk to me because I bully his little brother and I don't like that. Besides... He's really hot and I kinda wanna fuck him."

"That's gross. No way am I-"

He leant in a bit closer, making my heart beat faster. "You don't want school life to be any harder than usual, do you?" I shook my head ferociously. "Good. Now, I hope to hear from him - or else you're dead meat."

I gulped and with a lopsided smile he left, leaving behind only the traces of his linen laced scent.

How could someone be so fucking awful, yet so beautiful at the same time?


Thanks for reading everyone :)

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Kimmy xx

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