Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Calum ♥

For the entirety of the next week, Luke didn't go to school.

I was losing precious time, and was constantly reminded of this by Jack who was currently sitting opposite me on his bed. "You look tired."

"I bloody am. I'm worried about Luke, and yet I don't want to give in again."

He huffed, picking up a folder from beneath the bed with 'physics' written broadly across the cover. "What happened at the party, anyway? I saw him rush out crying. You didn't... did you?"

"Well, it's not like he stopped me. I kissed him, but that was it. By the way, what are all those scars on his chest and stomach? I asked him but he ignored me."

He inhaled sharply, squinting. "It's not really my place to tell you."

"Whatever," I dismissed. He obviously wasn't gonna talk about it. "Let's cause a scene. Can you moan whilst I jump on the bed?"

"That's so weird. But okay. My parents aren't in anyway."

I started moving on the bed, making sure it creaked with every movement. Jack added to the effect with his realistic moans. Damn, they sounded like Luke. They sounded so much like Luke, I could feel myself getting hard, and me moving so much didn't exactly help that. I flushed a deep crimson colour, thanking myself for wearing sweatpants instead of jeans because holy fuck, I didn't want Jack to get the wrong idea.

"Wait," I whispered. "Stop. I hear footsteps."

There were footsteps, but no knock came. I took off my shirt and walked over to the door, peeking my head around so it looked like I was naked.

"Luke Hemmings, you fucking pervert!"

"W-what I wasn't... I just... I'm sorry..." he blushed, going bright red within a matter of seconds. He backed away and ran down the hallway, till I burst into laughter. What a classic expression – damn, he was so cute.

Jack came over and frowned. "Why'd you do that?"

"Did you see his face? He was so scared, I wish I had a camera..."

"Go chase after him, Calum. He'll be at the back of the garden."

Jack pushed me out of his room whilst I was still shirtless, and locked the door, refusing to open it no matter how many times I knocked. With a sigh I headed to Luke's bedroom, speaking of which I'd never actually been into before.

It was pretty spacious. The walls had been painted black and were covered in posters and magazine cuttings of bands I could hardly name, as well as what appeared to be some of his own artwork. His bed was unmade, clothes piling on the floor in various areas, and books sitting on his desk, bits of paper sticking out of them.

He was a strange character – mysterious, dark, almost tantalising. Every part of his room had a meaning or story behind them and I wanted to find out each and every one.

First though, I needed to put something on. I fished around in each pile till I found something relatively fitting, and pulled it over my head. It was a top that said 'Pierce The Veil' on it, with roses printed by the logo. Then, I headed downstairs to the garden, which was pretty much pitch black, thinking that I wouldn't be able to find him until I heard the crinkling of paper by a pond which was reflecting the moonlight and gave leeway to a long figure sitting on the ground.


I feel bad for Luke in this story X(

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Kimmy xx

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