Chapter 45 [Final Chapter]

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Chapter 45

Luke 💕

"What do you mean, you're breaking up with me?!"

I tried my best not to roll my eyes but honestly, it was hard not to. Calum was hugging me from behind as I sat on his lap, and my hands were gripping his. Felicity had come into our classroom that morning, and I decided that it was time to tell her.

"We were perfect together! My friends, they all... they all thought I was so cool for managing to get with someone like you!" she whined, her eyes a mixture of fear and sadness.

"Listen, Felicity-"

"Noob," Calum interjected, making me smile just a little bit.

"I only dated you to get back at this dork," I admitted. "I'm sorry that I had to break it to you this way."

She gasped inaudibly, her jaw dropping down at this revelation. "So I was just a tool for you to use and throw away?" she said in a bare whisper.

Now I felt bad. I didn't want to hurt her beyond repair, I just hoped that she would move on quickly and get over it.

Calum noticed my moment of panic and unwrapped his arms, gently pushing me off so he could stand up.

"I know we both want Luke," he began, interlocking his fingers. "But Luke isn't straight. He isn't into girls. Neither am I. And for someone who is gay, it can be hard to properly fall in love with someone of the opposite gender. It was my fault that he ended up turning to you in the first place, and I'm really apologetic for that, so we would both appreciate it if you could forget the whole thing. Can you do that for us?"

I was surprised at how polite he was being. I'd expected him to get really mad at Felicity, especially after what she'd done to come between us, and purely because of Calum's nature.

Even more to my surprise, she understood. "Okay. But if anyone asks, it was me who broke up with you, not the other way round!" she snapped, turning on her heel and strutting out of the classroom dramatically. I chuckled and reached for Calum's comforting hands, pulling him close so I could kiss his addictive lips.

"Whoa I did not need to see that so early in the morning!" I heard Michael complain, opening one eye and watching him dive across a table to reach us. "You guys back on?" He was swept away by Ashton who gave him a quick morning kiss, before they joined us.

"We sure as hell are," Calum confirmed, gazing lovingly into my eyes. I had such a strong urge to rip off his clothes and let him fuck me right there, but I knew that there was a time and place for everything and clearly, the school classroom wasn't the place.

I was honestly so happy to have him back in my arms and never again did I want anything to come between us.


Things brightened up after that. We did the winter talent show together, and sang 'Kiss Me' – a song we'd both been listening to a lot as of late.

Settle down with me, cover me up, cuddle me in.

We'd been through a whole lot of shit recently and we both wanted to forget everything, and make the most of the time we both had on earth.

Lie down with me, and hold me in your arms.

Felicity moved out just after the winter holidays, and began dating Carl which really wasn't surprising for all of us.

And with a feeling I'll forget, I'm in love now.

Michael and Ashton were still as strong as ever, and were already planning to rent an apartment together.

Settle down with me and I'll be your safety.

Jack went back to his long-term girlfriend, and they moved into a small house on the outskirts of town.

My heart's against your chest, my lips pressed to your neck.

After college, Calum and I got jobs. He worked in a leisure centre, and I got myself a permanent position in the local bar where I performed every Thursday, Friday, and Saturday evenings.

I've been feeling everything from hate to love, from love to lust, from lust to truth.

We stayed as a tight knit couple for many, many years after that, and wherever we went, we went together. Sure, we had our ups and downs, our fights and arguments but at the end of the day, we knew that there was some kind of magnetic attraction between us that we couldn't resist.

I guess that's how I know you, so I hold you close to help you give it up.

Not once did I forget how Calum helped me through all those problems, issues that had long been put behind me.

This feels like falling in love,

like falling in love,

we're falling in love.

And we never tried to make each other feel jealous ever again.

The end.


Thanks for reading everyone!

What a journey this story has taken me on :D

This took me about a month and a half to complete ^-^

I want to thank everyone who is reading now, whether you vote or not, because the thought that my writing is going out to someone is really satisfying.

I hope you guys will check out my new cake fics too, they should be of a similar style to this :)

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Kimmy xx

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