Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Calum ♥

I couldn't believe I was giving in to Luke Hemmings. I wasn't supposed to do anything until he said he wanted me, yet desire won over reason when I kissed him in the corridor, where people were still hanging about, and what's worse, he didn't even kiss me back. He jerked away moments after touching lips.

"D-don't do that again, please Calum, please don't..."

He seemed awfully out of breath as he slid down the wall to a seated position. "What's wrong?!" Breathing turned to wheezing and I began to panic. "Luke, talk to me, what's wrong?"

"Bag... inhaler... now... asthma..."

I fumbled about in his backpack and found a plastic blue tube with a silver bit sticking out. I pushed it into Luke's mouth, pumping it down twice before realising I'd forgotten to take the lid off. He literally looked like he was about to die, so I quickly took it out, pulled the lid off and inserted it into his mouth again.

A few minutes later, he was back to normal, and he leant his head against the wall with his eyes lightly shut.

"You okay?"

"I'll live," he croaked, taking the inhaler off me and putting it back in his bag. He didn't look at me once after that, no matter how many scrunched up sheets of paper I threw at him, no matter how many times I called his name. I didn't know what I'd done wrong.

Wasn't that what he wanted?


Ashton came running and jumped on my back. "Jesus Christ Ash, calm down!" I screeched as his fingers tugged at my hair.

"How can I calm down? I'm throwing a fucking party this weekend! Parents are out, girlfriend's in town – I literally cannot wait. You're coming, whether you like it or not. And you can bring the Hemmings brothers if you want."

"A party? But there's nothing to celebrate."

He raised an eyebrow. "That's not like you. Usually you're all 'yeeeeah partayyy'. What's gotten into you? C'mon, there'll be alcohol, chicks, and music – what's not to like?"

I rolled my eyes and pushed him away a bit. "I never said I wasn't going, you moron. C'mon. Let's go to lunch."


"Jack babe, my mate's holding a party this weekend, can you come with me?" I asked, making sure Luke was within hearing distance. He glanced up and me from his phone and shrugged.

"Yeah sure."

"Oh Luke. You can come too if you want."

Jack burst into laughter. "Haha, no, Luke you'd better stay at home." He looked at me. "Parties aren't his thing."

"Luke, do you want to go?" I asked gently enough so as to not come off as too menacing. He was sprawled on the couch on the other side of the room idly watching the same show on TV as us, whilst Jack and I were cuddling on this other sofa.

"It's better if I don't."

"Suit yourself. Have you even been to a high school party before?"

Jack stopped me again. "Calum, don't – I said they aren't his thing."

"You could let the poor guy speak for himself, you know," I muttered so he could hear. We sat in silence for the rest of the TV show, till dinner time. I headed back before it got too late, because I needed to somehow get Luke to go with me and being near him just clouded up my mind. At home, I could concentrate without having to see his strangely cute lanky figure, and his nervous expression, constantly asking myself how I could change that frown into a smile.


Calum is changing... :)

And poor Luke... having his feelings played around with... if someone like Calum existed in real life, I'd probably hate them. But thankfully, this is fanfiction, and we all know how it's going to end anyway! Unless I mess with you guys and have a massive plot twist... don't worry. I won't :D

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Kimmy xx

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