Chapter 3

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Michael Gordon Clifford makes his entrance.. but it's not terribly glamorous sorry lol

Chapter 3

Luke 💕

"C...Calum?" I said, the words rolling off my tongue before I had the chance to control them. I blushed and turned away, running up the stairs and checking the mirror in the hallway.

Fuck. I looked awful.

I'd only slept four hours so my face was pale and weary – and my hair seriously needed fixing. Hastily I brushed my fingers through the tangled mass and rubbed my face. Jack came out of the bathroom yawning, and without a second thought I was inside and had locked the door.

What was Calum Hood doing in my house?

Unless what he said about dating Jack was true.

If so... then shit. I didn't know how to feel.

I splashed some cold water on my face and dampened my hair, using some gel to push it into a semi-quiff. When I was sure I was ready, I headed down to see Calum and Jack all over each other.

Calum saw me, and closed his eyes again, his hands tightly gripping my brother's neck as their sloppy tongues flicked between each other. I bit my lip and played with my lip ring, walking past as if nothing was wrong and picking up a slice of toast from the breakfast table. Mum came and smiled, placing a cup of tea by my hand.

"Morning, honey. Calum's grown quite a bit, hasn't he? He's almost as tall as you and Jack!"

"Yeah," I replied mindlessly, biting into my toast.

"Do you boys still hang out?"

Honestly, what would she have said if she knew who Calum really was? He wasn't the cute kid with big eyes and chubby cheeks anymore. He was my enemy, my pain-inflictor, the person who brought misery into my life every fucking day. And yet I liked him.

"Not really. We don't have a lot of the same classes together."

Lies. You have all your lessons with him.

"Oh that's a shame. Well, eat up – you'll be late if you don't leave soon."

She ambled away to read her newspaper, and I got my phone out, pretending to scroll. Minutes later, Jack was calling me to get my arse off the chair and start walking – so I did. And it was so fucking awkward, I can't even begin to tell you.

I walked behind the two, trying so hard not to gawp at how roughly they were now kissing, despite it being broad daylight and in public. How had Calum managed to persuade Jack to go out with him? Jack wasn't even into guys, as far as I was aware.

As soon as we arrived at school however, I escaped to my quiet spot – under a tree behind the school shed. It was a secluded place no one knew about, so I could sit there in silence without the noise of people. I took out my phone and headphones from my backpack, and listened to music until the bell for registration rang.


At lunch, I went searching for Michael. We were both outcasts so we hung out a lot together, though he'd never come to my house or anything like that. I found him in his classroom, playing games on his DS with a bag of crisps on the table next to him.

"Oh hey Luke – ready for lunch?" he asked, pausing his game and folding the top of his bag of crisps so they wouldn't go stale. I nodded and he smiled, and we walked to the canteen without making much of an effort to speak.

We bought sandwiches and sat down inside, where it was warm. Without warning, I said, "Calum's going out with Jack."

He almost choked on his food. "He what?! No... but you... ouch, that must be awful! Do they kiss and stuff?"

I nodded, chewing on the plain bread with a meagre slice of ham in the middle. "Strange thing is, they only started like, today."

"Strange. Don't let it get to you. Maybe they've been after each other for a long time?"

"Well, I hope it's not a long-term thing."

He agreed and we finished our lunch. Unlike usual, we weren't picked on when we left the cafeteria – instead walking back to the classroom in peace.


I wonder where I'm headed with this one. Oh well. Sorry that there hasn't been much action so far lol, I tend to take ages sliding you guys in before throwing the smut and action at you... if you're here for smut then bear with me ;)

BTW I didn't mention this, but Liz knows that Calum and Jack are dating but she doesn't interfere even though she knows Luke is uncomfortable about it. Thought you might want to know :)

Kimmy xx

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