Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

Luke 💕

Calum didn't come to school for several days.

Michael told me that he'd seen my name with Felicity's on the sign-up sheet and I realised that maybe seeing this was the reason why he hadn't come to school. I'd tried going to his house but every time I went, there was no one in – or at least, no one answered the door.

Felicity had gotten on my last nerve. I'd decided to just do the talent show alone because she was tone-deaf and every time I tried singing with her, she'd just put me off.

On Friday, after school, I finally decided to talk to Calum in whatever way possible – even if it meant breaking his front door down. I needed to see him desperately and tell him I was sorry for lashing out at him and splitting us up, not forgetting to kiss those lips I missed so much.

Luckily, he appeared to be leaving his house just as I approached. "Calum!" I yelled, running over. He glared at me, sniffing and avoiding eye contact, instead deciding to stare at the lawn beneath his Vans. "Calum, I'm sorry."

"What for? You didn't do anything wrong."

I smiled awkwardly. "I'm sorry for everything. For breaking up with you, for signing up with Felicity, for being a total dickhead this past week. Can't we just forget what happened and move on? Please? I'm begging you Cal, I miss you."

There was a glimmer of hope in his brown eyes, but they soon turned dark and he shook his head, closing his eyes. "Just do the damn thing with Felicity," he murmured.

I scoffed. "What, so you mean you'd be okay with it? Would you also be okay with it if I, I dunno, went out with her??" I immediately regretted asking that but wished that Calum would say no – but of course, what he said made me want to die.

"Sure. Go date her."

"Fine, I will! J-just don't be jealous!" I retorted, watching him glare at something behind me.

I stormed off with tears threatening to spill from my squinting eyes. How could he be okay with that? Maybe he was just angry. I didn't understand. I decided that I was going to make him so jealous, he'd come begging for my forgiveness – just as he'd done to me in the past.

The minute I got home, I barged my way up the stairs and burst into Felicity's room, to see her lying on her bed watching YouTube on her laptop. "Luke? What are you doing in here?"

"Go out with me," I breathed, running a hand through my messy hair. "Your offer is still there, right?"

She smirked, getting off the bed and walking over slowly. "You finally gave up on that son of a bitch?"

Part of me wanted to slap her for calling my cute puppy a son of a bitch, but I supressed the rage and forced a smile. "You could say that."

"Well what are you waiting for? Kiss me then."

My eyes hovered to her lips, which looked really nasty as they had red lipstick all over them. I'd never kissed a girl nor did I want to taste her make-up. In the end I decided that it was now or never – and leant in, pressing my thin lips onto her fuller ones.

Yep, that was disgusting.

They didn't even feel like lips – the whole time, I was comparing them to Calum's and noting how different they felt. Not a good different, either – just plain revolting.

She even had the audacity to slip her tongue in at one point, and I instantly pushed her away lightly, going bright red. "Okay no tongue kissing please," I said quickly. She groaned.

"You'll give in to me one day, Luke."

I sure hope not.


Thanks for reading :))

I think I'm gonna stick for 45 chapters after all. Then I can offer you guys some more cake fics XD

Dedication today goes to TwentyOneCakes! I wasn't aware that you didn't have one in this fic, sorry about that (it's a bit late considering you vote and comment so much) but here you go :)) Thanks for reading!

Question... who is your favourite actor/actress? Mine is Ash Brewer, I've been watching her for years now :))

Okay that's all from me today

Vote+comment for dedication/virtual 5sos strawberry

Kimmy xx

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