Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Luke 💕

The rest of the week went by with Calum floating through my thoughts endlessly. I still couldn't believe what he did – he was dating my brother yet he had the nerve to try kissing me. I know I wanted it. I wanted it more than anything, but it wasn't right.

In the last lesson on Friday, maths, he passed me a note.

Come to the party tomorrow and I'll show you something you've never seen before.

I almost contemplated scrunching it up just to piss him off, but wrote underneath it:

Don't make me come. You'll regret it.

And why is that?

You don't want to know.

But the thing is, I do.

Stop it. I'm getting rid of this piece of paper.

I ripped it in half and put it in my bag, but he got a new one out.

Tell me why.

You're so fucking annoying.

Language, you dirty boy

Not as dirty as you, kissing both brothers.

That was a mistake you idiot. You're still thinking about it?

No, of course not.

I bet you are.

I ripped up that piece of paper too, chucking it in my bag and doing my best to ignore any other sheets of paper he sent my way. The bell finally rang, and I was the first out – desperate to get home before Calum and Jack could catch up with me.


"You're really not coming?" Calum checked, his arm securely wrapped around Jack whilst they put their shoes on. I was standing at the top of the stairs, fiddling with my sleeve. Mum came out of her room and smiled stiffly at me.

"Luke, maybe going will help your anxiety. You can see if counselling and Mary's tips helped at all," she said quietly so Calum wouldn't hear. He was still expecting an answer, but I wasn't going to risk it. I stormed off to my room and locked the door, jumping on my bed and putting my headphones, the music of Bring Me The Horizon filling my ears.

Half an hour later, I got a text from Michael.

Hey luke im at ur front door, wanna go to ashton's party with me? He personally invited me (ikr) so pls come I don't wanna be alone

I let out a massive sigh and thought, if Michael could go, then so could I. He was at times, worse than me at parties – because he drank a lot and always made a fool of himself. Choosing a band tee, flannel and black jeans, I changed out of my usual attire (hoodie and jeans) and slipped on a pair of Doc Martens.

Michael was indeed waiting outside, wearing almost exactly the same except his jeans were ripped. "Thanks for coming Luke," he said, putting an arm around me. "Hey, do you think I can hook up with Ashton today? If I really try?" Ashton was his main bully, like Calum was mine. And likewise, he also had a crush on him, despite the pain he inflicted.

I scoffed. "I don't think he'll notice a small fry like you."

"Rude. He asked me himself to come, so shut your mouth."

We got in his little black car and he drove to our destination – by the time we reached Ashton's street, we could already hear my worst enemy – loud, thumping music with a simple beat and no passion. He pulled onto the lawn outside Ashton's massive house, and we entered the hellish hallway where people were already making out.

My heart constricted in my chest, desperate to get out – and yet I wanted to stay and immerse myself in the atmosphere. I'd been avoiding loud and noisy places for months now, and really hoped I didn't start having an attack like I did once before.


I see a hint of mashton.... :)

These chapters really are short, aren't they? idk, they're actually harder than writing long chapters - weird isn't it! Wanna stick to the word limit though so if you want longer chapters, head to my other stories :) Most are >1000 words :D

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Kimmy xx

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