Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Calum ♥

I hadn't seen Luke all day and was about to walk home when I was stopped by Jack. "Hey, what's up?" I asked, waving goodbye to some of my other friends.

"Have you seen Luke?"

"No, I was just about to ask you."

He stopped a random student in my class and asked him, and was told that Luke had been taken to the nurse after an accident in the toilet. I tensed up, jaw clenching and fists tightening. "Tell me more?"

The guy shrugged. "I don't know what happened, I think he hit his head on something. Don't ask me," he said, walking off. I sighed and shut my eyes... was I being delusional when I said he liked me? I was pretty sure he did, so what was holding him back?

"Let's go there now," Jack urged, grabbing my arm. "He might still be there."

And sure enough, there he was, laying in the nurse's room on the bed fast asleep with a bandage around his head. There was a red patch where it had been soaked in blood, but wasn't fresh. I walked over, carefully dragging my finger along the bandage. "Luke..." I whispered. "How did you let this happen to yourself?"

Jack brought over a chair and sat down, blinking a few times. "What happened?" he asked, as if I was the one who caused this... well, I did, didn't I?

"I kissed him in the classroom," I confessed. He shook his head with a heavy sigh.

"You need to stop doing this to him. It's not working, the whole 'make him jealous' thing."

"Not yet."

"No Calum, it hasn't and it won't ever. I should've known from the start that it wouldn't... he probably feels even worse because you're supposed to be dating me. Should we just stop now? I'm beginning to find it a bit weird now."

I pouted. Was it time to give in? "Give me some time. I'm gonna go get us some drinks for when he wakes up, okay?"

He nodded, and I went out, heading to the school cafeteria where hopefully, the snack bar would still be open. I picked up three cans of soda and hurried back, stopping at the door when I heard voices inside.

"There's something I need to tell you Jack." That was Luke.

"No, there's something I need to tell you. Calum and I are over."

A few moments passed in silence, before he finally mustered enough courage to speak. "W...why? Things were fine... weren't they?"

"It didn't feel right. Listen Luke, whatever's going on, you need to sort it out and I want to help you. What do you need?"

The bed creaked, indicating Luke had gotten off the bed. "I can't... I feel awful! I feel like I just broke you guys up! I don't like this, I'm going home-" He was about to rush past me, but saw that I was standing there and stopped in his tracks, his eyes tracking down mine and glaring into them with melancholy. "I'm sorry," he whispered, tears falling as he ran across the school path, disappearing beyond the gate and into the distance.

I'd fucked up again, somehow, and I had no clue how to fix it.

Jack came out, looking weary and frustrated. "This is such a mess," he groaned.

"Sorry for getting you involved."

"Sorry? Really, is that all you can say? My little brother is being tortured by his own thoughts day by day, and all you can say is sorry? You were the one that caused everything so hurry the fuck up and sort it out! I can't bear to see him like that anymore!"

He stormed off in Luke's direction and I shut my eyes, dropping the three cans onto the concrete and crouching. Come on Calum. Fix this.


Poor Cal :( All he wanted was a piece of cake! (if ya know what i mean ;D)

Dedication today goes to Calum_R5sos_Cake for voting + commenting so much! Thank you veeery much for taking the time to vote and comment because it makes me suuuper happy and tells me that my writing isn't completely bullshit XD (maybe it is, who knows)

Vote+comment for virtual 5sos massage oil (wtf don't ask)

Kimmy xx

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