Chapter 33

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When you're editing photos and just have to edit some cake too... damn I'm sleepy. Saturday and I'm up at 8 :( 

Warning, this chapter isn't nice. Will probably make you very angry

Chapter 33

Luke 💕

Felicity's words from the other day still hadn't left my mind, instead choosing to circle my thoughts constantly. It was like trying to forget a bad dream – the more I tried to forget, the more I ended up thinking about it.

Her constantly being around didn't make things any easier. Mum made me help her with her homework and teach her guitar, but it was so frustrating because despite my efforts, she never seemed to be able to play anything right. I didn't know if it was on purpose or not, but if I was her I'd just stop because she obviously didn't have the right mind-set for learning guitar.

"I keep telling you, your 1st finger goes here not here..." I grumbled, hardly able to continue looking at her.

"I'm sorry... I guess I'll never be as good as you..."

And then she started crying – like what the fuck? Who cries because they can't play a chord, even when I've tried showing her about fifty times? "Oh come on," I said softly, taking the guitar from her lap. She took the initiative to dive into me, wetting my chest with her salty tears. I wrinkled my nose, hovering my hands above her back, awkwardly trying to think of what to do.

"I'm awful, aren't I?"

"No, don't say that, you'll get better."

"But you got mad at me!" she wailed, sobbing even harder. I suppressed a sigh, instead rolling my eyes.

"Look, maybe the guitar isn't for you?"

Another loud sob. Mum came running in, a worried look on her face. "Oh, Luke what have you done?" she gasped, sitting on the bed and taking Felicity into her own arms. "Shhh, it's okay Felicity. Tell me what happened."

"Luke shouted at me!"

I stood up, having had enough of her lies, and grabbed my phone heading for the door. I was sick of this. I needed Calum.

Picking up a pace, I ran out of the house and went in the direction of Calum's house, before I remembered that he was at football. Angrily I kicked the lamppost outside his house, groaning and looking up at the darkening sky. What had I done to deserve this? I hadn't scratched in months, I was eating normally, my school work was decent... there was nothing to indicate anything wrong.

As I turned to go home, I crashed into Calum, whose football bag bashed into my side, sending me doubled over onto his front lawn. "Oh shit, Luke, what are you doing here?" he gasped, immediately helping me up. I rolled my eyes and shoved him off. "What the fuck?"

"You're never around when I need you anymore!" I cried, regretting it as soon as the words escaped my mouth. Too late.

He scowled, dropping his bag on the grass. "Seriously? You're blaming me?"

"Y-yeah! You're always so busy with football this, football that, some would even say you'd choose football over me!"

"Oh, really?" he scoffed. "Then how about you and that noob? Cause it seems to me that you've been spending way more time with her than you do with me, staring down her shirt!"

"Don't make it sound like you're jealous, I know you're not. You don't even like me anymore," I huffed, crossing my arms and looking away. He was mad. He was absolutely raged, and I knew it.

"Who the fuck says I don't like you anymore?" He grabbed my arm and tried to bring me closer but I resisted.

"You know what? Maybe we should just break up!" I yelled, my voice wavering. Why the fuck did I just say that? I was such an idiot. Scrap that – I was a fucking prick.

"Whilst you're acting like you're on your period, maybe we should."

"Well that settles it then!"

I stormed off, the tears already beginning to build up.

What the fuck have you done, Luke?


... I have nothing to say



Dedication today goes to snugglemeluke for voting so much! Thank you very much, hope you're enjoying this (despite the lack of smut atm...) XD 

Today's question... what is your favourite season? Mine is summer, because I get to go to the beach and sunbathe <3

Vote+comment for dedication/virtual 5sos lettuce

Kimmy xx

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