Chapter 40

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New fic coming later today :))

Chapter 40

Calum ♥

The reason why I let him go was because I didn't want to hurt him with the truth that I'd given Carl a blowjob for weed.

I instantly regretted it, because watching him walk away was the most painful thing I'd experienced other than the period of time when he was mad at me for taking away his cigarettes. Seeing his forlorn expression was enough to send me into a state of severe sadness – every, fucking, time.

For some reason I was back at Carl's place. Both Michael and Ashton wanted to stay out of it, and besides every time I went there I was reminded of Luke. At least, with Carl I could just get high and not think about anything.

"You back for round two?" he sneered, closing the door behind me and grabbing my arm.

"No, Carl, I wanna get high and that's all."

He scoffed and rolled his eyes. "What's holding you back? Aren't you not with Luke now?"

"Yeah but that doesn't mean I wanna do anything with you-"

My words were cut off by a strong force pushing me against the wall near the door. "Listen, Calum. Back then, when you were trying to make him jealous – and it's exactly the same now! He still doesn't want you, so why are you trying so hard? Life will be much easier for everyone if you move on from that douche, he doesn't deserve you anyway!"

"I know he doesn't!" I spat back. "Because I'm too afraid to tell him that I... that I gave you a blowjob for weed."

A smile began to appear when he realised what this meant. "Well, if you're too afraid then why don't I go and tell him for you?" he whispered gently, his hot breath hitting my ear. I jerked away and shook my head.

"I don't want to think about it."

He shrugged and started going upstairs. "Fine. C'mon, the weed won't smoke itself."

As soon as we got upstairs, I immediately regretted coming. I didn't feel like getting high anymore – it had lost its appeal. I was just sad now and no amount of weed would be able to get rid of the dark feeling growing inside me. So I made the right decision and gave up, leaving and going home to try and get some work done.


On Monday at school, it appeared Luke had actually taken my word and started dating the noob because the moment I walked in, she was on his lap with an arm sickeningly draped over his neck. Her lips were pressed against the crook of his neck and he was looking my way with a slight smirk. She turned too, and shuffled even closer to him.

I rolled my eyes and sat down on the hard grey plastic chair next to Ashton, taking my jacket off since it was warm inside the classroom.

"Hey Cal," Ashton said, with a somewhat stiff expression. "How was your weekend?"

"Fine," I muttered in response, not wanting to look at those two any longer. "So they're dating now?"

Ashton didn't seem to want to answer but ended up saying, "Yeah."


Michael was, as usual, late so we sat in an awkward silence for the best part of ten minutes before the teacher finally came in and took attendance. I just wanted to get through the day without having to deal with anyone – not Luke, not Carl and not noob.

And then lunch arrived and I was subjected to more of their revolting actions.

He'd told me not to be jealous, but there was no way seeing him with a noob was going to make my chest hurt. He was gonna have to try harder than that.


Exciting news everyone, Cadences is being published on Wattpad today so keep your eyes out for that :)) Once I'm done with DBJ, I'm gonna put my all into Gender and Cadences, and in July I'll try to post a new one too. So I hope you'll all support those as well!

Dedication goes to cake_is_delicious for voting and commenting! Thank you very much, hope you're enjoying this XD

Your question today is: black jeans or blue jeans? Personally I prefer blue XD

Vote+comment for dedication/virtual 5sos lipstick

Kimmy xx

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