Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Luke 💕

The last few weeks before winter break were awesome, and I wasn't being sarcastic. Everything genuinely felt great; Calum and I no longer had a bully/victim relationship and were instead kissing at every opportunity; even more so after that night I finally lost my virginity.

It wasn't that I was afraid of sex, more that there was no one to give it to me. I'd never been in a relationship, nor had I come across anyone willing enough to do a tall lanky guy with scars everywhere, so to have found Calum was a great achievement for me, and my little guy.

I went over to Calum's a couple times and met his parents, and he introduced me as his friend which always made me blush a bit. To think that just a month ago, he would've been nothing more than a bully to me... times sure had changed.

Aside from eating normally, giving up smoking, and keeping a smile on my face every day, I now had Calum by my side to get me through the day and he genuinely made everything so much easier. Again that was a bit ironic considering he used to be the cause of my issues.

I began to get compliments from people instead of insults, and although it was a little overdue, I felt myself fitting in with people in my class. Since Calum was the football captain, he was pretty much always busy at lunch but I didn't mind since I could eat with Michael and Ashton (though I did end up feeling like the 3rd wheel an awful lot).

Jack stopped me on the penultimate day before we broke up for the holidays.

"Hey Luke. You okay?"

"Yeah," I replied, not knowing what else to say. We stood in silence in the science corridor for a few moments before he spoke again.

"Everything going well with Calum?"

I nodded. "Yeah. Is it true that he only dated you to make me jealous?" I asked tentatively.

"Haha... yep, it's true. I ran out of ways to help you, and this was a last resort. I didn't expect that it would hurt you so much," he admitted, running a hand through his hair. "Sorry bro."

"No, don't apologise," I replied, swallowing. "I'm sorry for being such a bad brother."

He looked at me with pained eyes. "None of this... was your fault. It was mine. I sat back and watched you suffer with this hole burning in my heart. Both Ben and I feel the same; we always wanted to help you, and yet there was never a way. We noticed your eating disorder a long time ago, but we did nothing. We didn't tell mum, we didn't try to feed you more, we just let it happen. Oh, and there was the scratching – we heard you in your bedroom a few times, but again, we didn't move or stop you."

Tears began to build up in my eyes and when my eyelids were unable to hold them back any longer, I blinked and let them fall.

"I just wish we'd done something earlier, you know?"

I instinctively sprang into him and wrapped my arms around his broad torso, squeezing my eyes shut in attempt to stop the tears. "You couldn't have helped me," I whispered in a croak, inhaling abnormally fast; so fast I thought I was having an asthma attack.

A couple minutes later, Calum caught up with us and we all hugged, Jack tearing up too.

"Damn you Hemmings brothers, you're so Hemmotional..."

We stopped crying immediately and started laughing our heads off, like idiots on a cold winter day.

I loved Calum. There was no other way to describe my feelings for him.


Things are slowly going to change from here on!

Thank you all veeeery much for reading! I can't believe we're at 800 reads, I can't thank you enough for the support you give me to keep writing. I love giving out dedications so please make yourself known, even if it's just tapping vote once, or commenting! I will notice you and give you a dedication :)

Speaking of dedications, today's goes to blackheart_xxx for voting and commenting so much across all my stories! This is a bit overdue, sorry about that XD I really appreciate everything you do :)

SO my question for you today is... what's your favourite subject? Mine is economics because well, I'm planning on doing it at uni XD

Vote+comment for a dedication/virtual 5sos purse

Kimmy xx

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