Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Calum ♥

Football practice finally ended, and I picked up my kit, ready to go. Coach stopped me on the way though, saying he needed a word.

"Hood, I'm expecting the best from you this season as it's your last season before college as captain. We also need to catch up with the others in the league. Today you've been a bit sluggish. What's going on?" he demanded, his buff stature intimidating me slightly.

I cleared my throat, avoiding eye contact. "I, uh, I'm sorry. I don't know. I'll do better tomorrow."

"Yeah, you'd better. I don't want to be kicking you off the team at this point."

He might've been threatening me, but I knew he wouldn't actually kick me off. I was too good to ditch; I'd even go so far as to say there wasn't anyone better on the team. He dismissed me and I headed off.

The real reason why I'd been a bit off today was because of Luke. When I told him I'd be having the fourth football practice in a row that week, he'd seemed really pissed off. I wanted to spend time with him, of course I did – but like Coach said, I needed to do really well.

Once I was off school grounds I saw that Luke had texted and replied asking him if he wanted to meet up. Strangely, he didn't reply. It was only six – and even when he was eating dinner, he usually had his phone by his side. We were practically linked together 24/7.

On the way home I stopped at Luke's, not knocking but just walking past. From the outside I could tell lights were on, but I also noticed a different car parked by their garage as well. So they had guests. Fine. I headed home and had dinner with mum and dad, before going upstairs and attempting my homework for the night.


"Lucas? What have you been doing all evening?" I asked, once Luke had finally called me back at nine.

I heard him sigh before he replied, "Ughh we had this family around for dinner. Sorry."

"No, it's fine... you wanna come over?"

"Can't, sorry. I'm, uh, really tired. I'll see you tomorrow?"

"I guess. See ya."

He hung up and I threw the phone on my bed with a pout. He sounded so unbothered. What had I done? Had all the football training gotten to his head?

With all these thoughts racing through my head, I couldn't possibly do my maths homework, even though it was due in tomorrow. Anyway, I wasn't exactly the best student when it came to handing in homework. The teacher would understand.

I went to his house anyway, a bit peeved at the conversation we'd had. Liz opened the door with a massive smile, welcoming me in.

"Calum! Hi, would you like a drink?" she asked, gesturing towards the kitchen where I could hear people talking and laughing.

"No, I'm all right thanks – is Luke upstairs?"

"Yeah, he's with Felicity." She closed the door behind me whilst I furrowed my eyebrows.

Who the fuck was Felicity?

I looked at the row of shoes by the door and saw a pair of red heels that certainly weren't the kind to be worn by parents. So she was a teenage girl; or at least a young one. Holding my breath, I tiptoed up the stairs to Luke's room and heard a girl giggling.

"Oh Luke, you're so hilarious! Ooooh can you teach me the C chord?"

I listened harder, pressing my ear against hid bedroom door. Someone strummed the C chord, and the girl, who mentally I was naming 'noob' now, laughed again. I shut my eyes, hoping that it wasn't Luke inside there with her – "You shouldn't have had so much to drink, you're laughing like mad!"

My heart froze.

It was Luke.

And he was with another girl, in his room, teaching her guitar. He'd also fucking lied to me.


SO what we thinking?

Hands up if you like Felicity?

Hands up if you don't?

(Pretty sure no one likes here okay, anyone who gets in the way of cake is likely to get slapped)

Do you guys have any siblings?? I have an older brother but that's it :)

Dedication today goes to xKellyJx for following me :) Hope you like reading my stories!

Vote+comment for dedication/virtual 5sos knee socks

Kimmy xx

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