Chapter One

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yoyoyoyi wassup my fiction readers fiction here and yay here is a new type of book I find this one going to be interesting!! ~~Enjoy **Fiction**

Garroth: "Hey you! Come back here!" I yelled chasing after this mysterious person. I have been chasing him for over an hour now losing breathe rather quickly.
He jumped up into a tree and disappeared from my eyes. "Come out and fight instead of hide like a coward" I called. No response.
I gave up and started jogging back to the Kingdom. Great Katelyn is going to yell at me for being off duty.

*******Time Skip One Hour********

I got back and went thru the gate. I saw people passing me and went straight to the dinning hall where Aphmau was there with everyone else.
I quickly ran in trying not to be seen which did work except Travis saw me. "Your late again! Luckily Katelyn was distracted to come by yet...Yet!" whisper~shouted Travis as I walked up to the wall where he stood. "It was that same person again! I swear to you Travis this boy keeps coming by ever since I first saw him and the same thing every time. He is gone before I catch him" I whisper~shouted to him.
"If you need help next time come get another guard its not to complicated, Look I'll stay night watch with you" said Travis. "Alright you two, Looks like you guys are already here. Travis you got duty on the left wing. Garroth go rest for tonight" said Katelyn walking up to us.
"Actually Katelyn I was wondering if maybe I could help Garroth with night watch, because....He has been having trouble with....Hawks! attacking the food supply" said Travis.
"Many Hawks!! Like you won't believe" I added.
".....Fine but if I catch one of you not doing what your suppose to I'll use you as my next punching bag". "Understood" We said
Katelyn walked off.
"How do you like her? She is like a rabid animal!" I said. "She is my strawberry shortcake" said Travis drooling. "I HEARD YOU GUYS!!" yelled Katelyn. "RUN TRAVIS RUN!!!" I yelled as Katelyn was storming in our direction.
We took off running with Aphmau laughing and everyone giving us looks as we ran for our lives from Katelyn.

Time Skip by the power of Aphmau

Travis and I were walking around the perimeter. "Where do you usually see this mystery person?" asked Travis kicking a rock.
"I always see him around this cor-"
There was the boy using a rope to hook on the wall to climb up. He has light brown hair that is a bit darker than his skin. Red eyes and rec particles floating around him.
"Quietly sneak towards him" whispered Travis. We slowly and quietly went to his blind side and closed in on him. He took noticed of Travis and lunged at him.
"GARROTH HELP!" screamed Travis getting attacked by him. I drawn my sword and charged at him. The boy saw me and defended my attack.
"Surrender now! Its two against one" Travis said getting up. The boy looked at me,Travis,and then took off. Travis and I took off after him.
We were catching up rather quickly than I expected. I threw my sword in his path and he skid to a stop. "Who are you? Who do you work for?" questioned Travis.
The boy grabbed my sword threw it at Travis and attacked me. "Travis help me!" I yelled. Travis got his balance back and attacked him from behind.
Travis had his attention now. As the two fought I went and grabbed my sword. When I turned to them Travis was out on the ground and the boy was breathing heavily.
"I have to hand it to you.... You guys are strong....but not as strong as me" He said. His voice was deep, a bit close to mine. "Well...How about we have fight right here right now. Winner is strongest" I said.
"Deal" He smirked. We charged towards each other fighting. He slid under me as I jumped towards him. I switched my pace and charged back the other direction.
**Time skip to end of fight**
The boy fell on his back looking up at me. "Hm.... Stronger than both us huh?" I said. ".....Listen Ro'meave! I'm not in the mood for this! Just tell me how to get into your kingdom!" He yelled. "How did you know my last name?" I questioned. "Umm Duh! I'm a spy for Shadow Knight's" said the boy. He shoved me to the ground and took off. "The name is Laurence....Don't you forget it" He spat just before disappearing.

"Garroth! Travis!" yelled multiple voices. I just sat on the ground staring after Laurence. "Garroth?! Where is Travis?!" asked Aphmau. I looked over at Travis where Dante was checking over him. "He is just knocked out. Nothing bad but bruises" informed Dante.
"Garroth what happened I thought you and Travis were watching the kingdom?!" said Katelyn.

"..............Shadow Knights" I said.

".....I want a meeting with all guards in the center of the village now!" commanded Aphmau.

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