Chapter 24// Its me or them...

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I walked around Shadow Knight territory for anyone left. All i could think about was Travis. Of course, i would feel bad if i passed by an injured soul, but still. Travis couldn't have been able to cause this much damage.

Well...not at least with out help. If Travis did do this, he had to have had help. Travis is strong, but not like this. I walked around looking at nothing anymore.


My eyes wided and I turned around seeing...Travis?... He was a demon so to say and I was awe struck. "I know my looks are amazing to look at but Katelyn lets not get side tracked ok?" He said. His voice soft but rough.

"What do you mean 'side tracked'?" I asked confused. "What I mean is that I have a deal, a choice for you to choose" Travis said smiling evily. "What deal?" I asked getting vibes. Travis is tall, very tall. He stands over me and I don't like the way he's smiling. Everything about him is off, but Travis is still there. I know it.

"You can come with me and we shall run away together! Us being the king and queen of our kingdom or Dante can pay for what he has turned me too" Travis said snapping his fingers. Dante appeared, badly injured and unconscious.

"Just choose blueberry and it'll happen. Ill change what I have done to the Shadow Knights and Garroth. It'll all be normal again." Travis cooed as he started to circle us. "What did you do to Garroth?!" I yelled. He laughed as he looked away from me. "Lets just say he...'ran' into my sword" Travis chuckled.

"No.... no you wouldn't kill your friends" I dais denying his words. "Try me" He whispered before laughing darkly. "....So its mw or them?" I asked feeling tears form. "Aw, don't cry love. If you want to feel better then ill erase your memory of Phoenix Drop" Travis said pulling me into a hug.


I slowly lookover seeing Laurence and Lady Aphmau running towards us. "Better choose soon" Travis whispered. "Very well then..." I daid softly crying. I leaned towards him closer and whispered my answer. I could almost feel his smile as i finsihed my words.


I opened my eyes and gasped for air. Zane and Vylad both stared at me in shock. " dead for over fifteen" Vylad said thru his tears.

"I...Im not sure, but its not good" I said looking at them.

~Katelyn's Farell~
As my memories of Phoenix Drop fade I say Farwell to you all. You have been kind and caring towards me, but for all of not only yours but others sake i must leave with Travis and maybe never return. Making deals with a devil has its consequences but i have accepted mine, Goodbye~

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