Chapter 11

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Laurence: There's two options that can happen....Well tecnally three.

1) Katelyn could deny Garroths request for Travis and her to go on a date.

2) Even if she accepts; Travis has to break the news. She could either freak out think Travis and Garroth are traitors or~

3) She will trust him long enough for us prove myself.

Garroth said he has a back up plan in case this goes all wrong.

Travis is scared how she'll react to me. So at this point I'll be helping Travis calm down with there being only an hour until he has to meet up with her.

"This is going to go terrible" Travis said walking back and fourth.

"Just relax~ Garroth said he has a back up plan" I said leaning against the wall.

We were still here by the back of the castle. Garroth had asked her about an hour ago and she said that in an hour she is free and he can take her.

Travis is planning to tell her afterwards so that way she is relaxed, only problem is that he will have to tell her when she trusts him the most and that trust is broken.

"Hey I'm back! And My back up plan is ready if anything back fires" Garroth said jogging up to the back.

"Alright, Welp looks like I should go ahead and get back in my cell. Oh also Travis next time when you have the keys make sure you didn't drop them on ground near the cells" I said jiggling the keys in the air.

He touched his pockets and such realizing the keys were gone.

I tossed them to Garroth who grabbed them and we started to walk back to the cells.

"Good Luck Travis!" I yelled leaving him behind.

We snuck back to the cells, Dante gone. They went ahead a and let him go since there wasn't much prove for his reason being there.

As for me....Well...Let's just say I don't regret anything bit kidnappings and destroying most of the Kingdom.


That's it?! They are gonna leave me here with hope from Irene that this will go well....




"You can do this Travis...Ok...Let's do this" I mumbled to myself.

I walked back from the behind the castle and to the towns little café.

I know its Katelyn favorite place to go when she wants to relax.

I waited outside for Katelyn. I know I'm really early but knowing Katelyn she could make it earlier than this

"Alright Travis ready for this...Date" Katelyn said walking up next to me.

I jumped being lost in thought.

"Oh Uh Y-yeah...I'm re-ready! Af-after you" I stuttered opening the door for her.

"Thanks" She said walking in.

She had on her usual clothes that she wears. Black leggings with brown short shorts. A grey fitting long sleeve with a brown vest and her stash hanging around her neck holding personal items.

We sat at a booth by the window. "Alright Travis either your gonna to ask me out or your going to tell me something bad that could lead me to hurting you for keeping a secret or me laughing for how adorkable you were being" Katelyn said.

She's on to us....Irene please help. me......

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