Chapter Six

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Garroth: I walked into the kingdom and saw everyone staring at me. I looked down at Laurence and made sure he was still asleep.

I walked to the kingdom, everyone was busy trying to clean up and rebuild. The second Travis saw me he yelled "GARROTH!" Everyone's attention turned to me.

"Garroth! your ok" said Aphmau coming. "I'm fine, of the most confusing battles I have ever had" I answered.

"I see you have Laurence." said Katelyn coming to me. "I just couldn't leave him out there" I said.

"I could have" Katelyn said. "Do you care about him? Like remember him" said Aphmau.

"Umm...Not sure? I mean if I left him he would just cause trouble again" I said. "Good point" said Katelyn.

"I'm going to take him to the cells" I said walking away. I walked down to the basement and opened a cell.

I placed Laurence down on the ground. I sat next to him staring at him.

I blushed, Why did I have this feeling for him? Like...He his cute and adorable....

I leaned in my lips very close to his. I took a deep breathe and....

He woke up up.

We both gasped, He pushed me away and tried to get out. "No!" I said.
I jumped and grabbed his legs causing him to fall.

I sat on top of him and held his arms down.

He blushed but looked very upset. I realized what position I was in and turned a deep red.

"Let me go!" He finally said. Struggling from my grasp.

"No! not until you start talking!" I commanded. "About what?!" "Why did you attack Phoenix Drop? What happened in the explosion? And how are you not dead?" I asked.

He looked at me annoyed. " Anything else your majesty?" He mocked.

"....Why does Aphmau say we used to be friends?" I asked staring him dead in the eye.

He looked away thrown back. "I attacked cause its fun, I'm not sure what happened in the explosion, how are you not dead from the explosion?...." He answered.

"And the last question...Why does Aphmau say we used to be friends" I asked.

"I don't know..." He shrugged. I pulled my arm back and stopped myself just before slapping him across the face.

"That's not an answer" I said.

"I guess we used to be friends..." He said. He looked unconformable to be here especially with me pinned on top of him.

"....What if I like you....Like this weird feeling of butterfly's flying around my stomach rapidly growing each time we are near" I asked.

He stared me dead in the eye. He looked shocked but not as shocked as I thought he would be.

"....What if I said....

I felt the same way"

We both leaned in and kissed.

Sorry for tha short chapter, I'll try to make it up in the next one

-and Budder


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