Chapter 21// A Dark Turn

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"Travis is dead when I see him again" Katelyn hissed as she stormed back and forth in tge main hall. "If we see him again" Laurence mumbled.

"I will hurt you" Katelyn threatened. "Calm down Katelyn, look if we leave now then maybe we could get him safe before he goes on a rampage" I said splitting them apart.

"Why did he just get so upset?!" Katelyn hissed as she continued to pace. "He must have over heard our conversation. I mean come on! Why else would he yell 'I will prove I am not weak' " Laurence pointed out.

"Great, so this ambush mission turmed into a rescue mission" Katrlyn said crossing her arms.

"Well a rescue mission for the Shadow Knights..." I said hanging my head. "Let's hurry quick then, who knows what Travis is cable of..." Aphmau said nodding for Jeffrey to get guards ready.

"Lady Aphmau!" Zane called as he and Vylad entered the hall. "What are you two doing here?" I asked. Zane completely ignored me and Vylad just gave me a reassuring smile.

"If I may, I think Vylad and I should help. You'll need all the help you can get" Zane said holding his head up high. Aphmau nodded in agreement and nodded to the others in the room to get ready.

"Kawaii~Chan, I need you to stay and watch Phoenix Drop until my return" Aphmau said looking at the link mefeiwa. She nodded and left. "Nicole,  go see if Jeffrey needs help" She said now looking at a red head.

"On it" Nicole said running to the guards quarters. "Let's get ready to head for the Shadow Kingdom" Aphmau said looking at us.


I was going beyond normal running and made it to Shadow Knight Territory quick. I breathed heavily as I looked around. I bit my lip as I saw Dante talking to Gene from inside the gates.

A crater out the walls blocked an easy path inside. I made my way to the walls and punched it. Everything fell dead silent as the crack of brick and stone boomed throughout the woods.

I smiled at the pain gushing in my fingers. I punch with my other hand, causing dust to fly and a small hole appear. You can't see through it but it's there.

I held my hands into each other and pulled back to hit again. I repeated the process until my fists were through. Shadow Knights rushed to prepare, expecting Phoenix Drop guards, or Garroth maybe.

The look on their faces was pleasing when I broke through completely. My bleeding hand shook as I pointing at Dante, who stood next to Gene.

"I'm not leaving, nor dying without your blood and head shown to Lady Aphmau... I-ill prove I'm not we-weak" I said as I drew my sword.

"And I'll kill each and everyone of you until I get him" I laughed. They made the first move by charging all at once while Gene took Dante away to safety.

That's when I knew... Travis is gone.

~Flash Back~

"Garroth and Laurence are weird. Let's give them time to think of how they are" Dante said rudely about them.

"I-i think it's ok. They are who they are-"

Dante slapped me across the face and I fell to the ground. "Are you stupid or something Travis?! That makes them weak, and maybe you're weak too!" Dante spat as he left me there crying.

I'm not weak am I?

~Flash Back~

"I am so deathly afraid of losing you. I think about it everyday and torture myself with ' What If's '. I just want to love you forever... I'm sorry Katelyn for what I've now become"
"Help me please ,my blueberry"


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