I Declare Thee

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~2 years later~

"Ladies and Gentlemen, years ago from this day I had bestowed this very man before you with the title Hero of Phoenix Drop, and today I will swear him as a knight to our kingdom" Lady Aphmau announced, everyone cheering for a second before quieting themselves.

"Laurence Zvhal, do you vow to not only Phoenix Drop, but to me your up most loyalty, honestly, strength, and good will?" Lady Aphmau asked. "I vow all those things and more" I said. I was kneeling in front of Lady Aphmau, being announced a proper knight to the kingdom.

It's been a couple years since the incident at Evergreen, and I have to say I've been holding uo pretty well. I've devoted myself to protecting Phoenix Drop and Lady Aphmau has finally decided to announce me a knight!

"If you vow those values then proceed with the oath" She said. "I promise on my faith that I will be faithful to the Lord. I will never cause him- I mean her. I will never cause her harm and will observe homage to her completely against all persons with good and faith and without deceit" I recited.

"Then with that vow, I pronounce thee my knight to stand by my side, and protector of Phoenix Drop. Laurence Zvhal you are now titled to Knight,Protector,and Hero of Phoenix Drop" She said, smiling happily as I looked up at her. The building erupted with cheers and cries of joy.

"Today as of March 26, is a day to celebrate how far you've come as a whole" Katelyn said, holding up her drink for cheers.

I got up and celebrated only shortly with everyone to meet u with one person I've been keeping waiting.

"Hey sweetheart, sorry to keep you waiting. Didn't think it would take as long as I expected it to be" I said, sitting next to Garroth.

I looked over to him and he smiled softly at me. "Don't worry about it, I would wait for you for ever" He said smiling. "That's great love, but now I'm a knight and a hero" I said happily, trying to hold his hand. "And a protector" He said looking at me. "My protector"

I went to open my mouth, but a hand scared me into reality. "Hey Laurence, how have you been?" Travis asked, sitting next to me. "Oh nothing really, just talking to Garroth. I was just sworn into knighthood. It feels good" I said looking at Travis, who gave a strange look.

"Right.. But why aren't you back at the kingdom celebrating with everyone?" He asked curiously. "I promised Garroth I would come and talk to him as soon as I was vowed in" I said gesturing to Garroth.

"Are you okay Laurence? You keep talking as if Garroth were here?" He asked, concern in the tone of his voice. "He is here" I said sternly. "Laurence, I know moving on was going to be a problem, but if this is how you're coping and dealing with his death then you should-"

"Leave" I interrupted. "Laurence, I'm serious as a friend I'm concerned for your mentality-" "I said LEAVE" I yelled. Travis stared at me before getting up. "I'm going to ask Lady Aphmau to see if she is aware of this" Travis said sternly. "If it leaves us alone faster then be my guest" I said coldly, Garroth giving us a sad look.

Travis walked away and sat there next to Garroth, thinking. "You're fine, I don't see what his problem is" I said angerly. "Pay no attention to him Laurence, everything is okay"

"Of course it is, I have you with me. Forever"

"For as long as you love me back"

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