Chapter 18

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Zane and Vylad stared at me not truly expecting me to say that. I sat up Vylad not stopping me this time. "I am going back to Phoenix Drop and I am going to stop Dante from hurting anyone else. He can hurt me all he wants but as long as others are in danger cause of him. Ill always be around" I said looking them dead in the eyes.

I'm sore Ill be honest, but I don't care as much of my pain except for others at this point. Dante is putting others in danger...despite I'm practically dating danger!

"Go" Vylad said standing up. He held his hand out for me to take, which I did and he helped me up. "Go and protect your kingdom and the ones you love. Even if it is Laurence, I'm supporting you fully on any decision you make from here on out. Your my brother and I want you happy. If being a guard and loving Laurence makes you happy...Ill be ok with it" Vylad said as he grabbed my shirt and handed it to me.

"I hate agreeing with people and you two know this but...If this is what you want then do be it Garroth. Its your choice not mine and I'm ok with whatever happens from here on out" Zane said not looking at us.

"Thanks you guys...Your the best brothers anyone can ever have" I said hugging Vylad then Zane. It was short with Zane but still a hug. I put my shirt on and grabbed my stuff before running out of Zanes house and back toward Phoenix Drop.

*Time Skip to the Kingdom*

I reached the kingdom as I saw it in my sight. I slowed down to caych my breathe and take in the many ghards that patrolled.

"GARROTH!" Travis yelled. I looked over to my white haired friend as he jogged over to me from his position. "Garroth, I cant believe it! Your ok! Everyone thought you were gone" Travid explained.

"Dante of course, but is everyone ok? No one is hurt or attacked?" I asked checking him for any bruises. "I'm fine, and so is everyone else. Go check with Lady Aphmau to show your back...but are you ok?" Travis said looking at me.

"Just a stab wound from Dante, but everything is ok. Vylad and Zane helped me" I said as I started to head inside the kingdom. I quickly made my way to the castle.

Oh I never mentioned! We are still trying to rebuild half the kingdom. I try not to think that its all half destroyed and think positively. The wall is built again and being made a but stronger, the castle is almost finish being built and the houses are coming out ok!

The only problem with the castle is the hole in the ground by the back. When they snuck in they had made a hole in hope it would collaspe with everyone inside. It backfired from what I remeber Laurence telling me before Travis found us out.


I spun around inti to see Laurence jump at me knocking me down. I hissed in pain from the wound, Laurence didn't notice.

"Garroth, I missed you so much. I know you havent been gone long but still" Laurence said hugging me. "Laurence, please...This hurts" I gapsed.

"Laurence calm down" Katelyn said prying him off of me. "Thanks" I said as she helped me up. "No problem" She said then punched me in the shoulder.

"Ow?!! What was that for!!" I asked while yelling. "For scaring us" Katelyn said smiling. I rolled my eyes and smiled as I pulled Laurencw into a hug.

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