Chapter Ten

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Travis: I was walking around the village for Garroth. He has been acting weird lately and I know something's up!

I was humming my favorite song when I heard them.

"Haha Laurence your an idiot" Garroth laughed. It sounded like it came from around the corner...behind the castle?

"Shut up! Id like to see you try!" said...Laurence.

I pulled my sword out and slowly looked around the corner. I saw Laurence on sitting on the ground and Garroth laughing against the wall.

"Maybe I will try!" Garroth said moving from his position on the wall. Laurence moved out of the way and Garroth did a hand stand. He then slowly balanced on a piece of wood that was on top of a rock.

Garroth kept shaking moving here and there. "Told you I could-" Garroth was cut off short when the wood broke and half and he fell down.

"Haha haha, Awe...Garroth.... you ok....." Laurence said kneeing next to Garroth who layed on the floor.

"I hate you..." Garroth barely said. Laurence burst into a fit of laughter and giggles.

What is Laurence doing out of his cell....By now...I'm not to surprise if it was Garroth. I stopped hiding and came into their view.

"By orders of the Phoenix Drop Kingdom I order to stop or else I will have to use force!" I said. Garroth and Laurence looked up at me. I held my sword firmly.

Laurence wasn't hesitate to draw his sword. "Woah Woah Woah! Guys wait!" Garroth said pushing Laurence's hand down.

"Garroth what are you doing?!" I asked. "He won't hurt you unless you throw the first hit" Garroth said looking at me.

I kept looking back at Laurence and then Garroth confused on what to do.

"...H-how did he even get out...Did you let him..." I asked

"I swear on Irene her self I have no clue how he got out..." Garroth said.

"....How long has he been let-"

"Since late last night" Garroth said cutting me off.

"....What happens if I put my sword away..." I said.

Garroth looked at Laurence not knowing an answer.

"...No tricks and I'll just pick on you" Laurence said.

I let my sword hand in my hand. "Hey wait a minute, I'm not going to anything, but you'll pick on me. That's not far" I said.

"I know it isn't" Laurence said.

"This s good right....Travis your sword is down...You two have a good conversation" Garroth said giving us a thumbs up.

Laurence chuckled. "Your to adorable" He said.

"Wait say that again...." I said getting really confused. Laurence and Garroth froze and just looked at each other.

"Wait...You two...Like...but...are" I said.


"Garroth!!" I said.



"....Well, Um...We aren't.... exactly.... together" He finally said.

"What does that mean.

"Its means I haven't asked him out yet, but we like each other and know it" Laurence finally said.

"What do you mean yet?" I asked.

"How much can I pay you to stay quiet" Garroth asked. "Get me a date with Katelyn and I will shit my mouth forever" I said.

"I hate you so much" Garroth mumbled.
."Can it be a double date!" Laurence asked.

"No!" Garroth and I practically yelled.

"Alright geez!" Laurence said.

"Fine, I'll get you date with Katelyn...If you break the news to her that Laurence is safe and not dangerous" Garroth said.

"Alright....You got yourself a deal" I said.

Please don't let this go bad....

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