Three Days Away

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I felt derailed as I paced the main room of the kingdom. "Curse these humans for foiling my plans. The wedding is in three days and I have a feeling they won't go down so easily" I mumbled to myself. 

"Guards, get some witches or something and attack immediately!" I ordered to ogres. "Yes my king" They gruffly said, leaving the room. I continued to pace hoping for this plan to work. "Laramie, come here please" I said thinking. 

"Yes my king" said a small blue pixie, she fluttered before me bowing in the air. "I want you and other pixies to move the ceremony into the woods. If the battle makes it way here I don't want it during the wedding" I said. 

"My king, this is a big task for us to-"

"Did I stutter?" I questioned upset. Laramie looked down and shook her head "No my king, you did not.  We shall start this task right away" she said fluttering away. 

I walked outside and looked off in the distance. The witches have barely took flight and left. "Methusael, I want you to do me an important task" I said looking over to the man known for bring death. 

"Yes my king?" He questioned.  "Prove to me your name is worthy by killing either the blonde known as Garroth, or the brunette Laurence. I want to see one of their blood on your sword and a death bringing wound in them" I said smiling evilly.

"I shall not fail you my Lord" He said bowing before heading towards the edge of the Isles. I walked away towards the kingdom before falling into darkness. 


"Ngh, What?" I said looking at the darkness before me. 

"I... I'm not going to lose to you so easily"

I looked up and saw a transparent white haired boy before me. "pfft, Haha! Do you really think you have the strength for this? You're fading dove" I said laughing.  He launched himself at me, he fell right through me and slammed the floor. 

"Don't you see? It's useless trying to keep remembering. All you're doing is making this difficult on yourself" I explained. 

"You made me forget once... It won't happen again!"

He hurled himself at me,  throwing and kicking punches. I laughed to myself finding this situation rather amusing. I felt the air leave me as he finally got an actual hit on me. 

"I'm not going to let you kill my friends, I won't Katelyn marry this... This beast you call yourself! I'll fight! I fight!" He screamed. 

"Fine... You want to fight so be it" I growled. 


I sat up as I was surrounded by citizens. "What happened my king?" asked an imp. "Just... Having a rough day" I answered.  "Rest my king rest!" everyone said. "I think... I shall do that" I said shakily getting up.
I was very much confused....

Who won the battle for control?...

Leave your answer and reason why you think either
-Evil Travis (king)
- Travis (dove)

Won ~Fiction_lover

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