So it begins...

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Love is a feeling for something and/or someone. It's either a sexual or romantic feeling towards that love. My love is Garroth, and I don't want that love gone. I swallowed the lump in my throat as I had a bad feeling over something.

"You two ok down here?" asked Lady Aphmau as she walked over to us. "Yeah, I'm just not to sleepy" I said staring at the ceiling. "Yeah, I would rest to if I wasn't so worried" She said sitting down next to us.

"Why do you say that?" I asked. "Several warriors spotted witches closing in on us. I had Lucinda and Cadenza be prepared for a barrier in case it's an attack" She sighed rubbing her hands together.

"... Do you think Travis is-"

"No, not at all" She said quickly knowing my question. Garroth stirred a little before getting comfy again. "I'll let you two be, try to relax" She said getting up. "It's what everyone has been trying to do" I jokingly said. She bit her lip before nodding, and leaving without a word.

".. You done messed up Laurence, you messed up" I hissed as sighed impatiently.


I barely got on desk when they attacked. Immediately the shields went up, rocking the boat slightly. "There is more than I thought, I don't know how long we can do this but we need to get there asap!" Lucinda said looking over at me.

I nodded, motioning Aaron to try to pick up speed. The boat rocked as everyone almost fell over. "Watch out!"

Everyone practically flew in the air as the ship blew into a million pieces. I swam to the too gasping for air. "Lady Aphmau are you-" Vlad started. He was scooped up as he yelled for help. "Unhand me!" screamed Zane.

One by one everyone was being picked up from the ocean and taken to the Isles. A witch came for me, I ducked under. Barely feeling the water being brushed. I went for my sword not feeling it. I swam up, seeing our second boat be destroyed. Gene flew in the air, being caught before he hit the water. The same thing repeated, everyone was being picked off again.

"Don't you dare-" I yelled. I was grabbed by my hair being lifted into the air. I kicked and thrashed from the witches grip. "Let her go, she has no one and the sharks will get her" cackled one. Immediately after I was dropped, plummeting into the sea.

I gasped for air as the few people remaining swam to each other. "Lady Aphmau, are you ok?" Zenix asked. "You know what Travis... You can take my soldiers, and my dignity. But try and humiliate me and you have a war" I threatened.

"So it begins? I like the danger" Zenix cooed.

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