Chapter 16

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Garroth: It had been four days ago since Lady Aphmau gave Laurence the chance to redeem himself. So far he has been good, but he does get protective over me.

We were looking at the town while sitting in grass with dandilions. He kept picking one up and blowing it, so the little things can fly away. "Today is Dantes trial....You nervous" He asked looking at me.

His eyed were still slightly red but there was a hint of brown in them. "No, Why would I?" I said confidently. "'Cause....I might be will you" Laurence said messing with the stem of the dandilion.

"I might get nervous on the spotlight, but that wont change a thing" I said. Even though the trail is to see if Dante is a traitor to the kingdom or not I don't want to stop being Dante's friend.

"Garroth, Laurence Lady Aphmau wants you" Travis said behind us. We looked ateach other before getting up and heading to the castle where she paced continuely back and forth.

"Lady Aphmau?....You ok?" I asked sensing worry through out the room. "No!....Its Dante" She said looking at us. "....Is it is trail?" Laurence asked looking at us both. "No its....Hes gone" She said quickly.

"I'm sorry....Dantes what?" I said. A part of me was shocked to hear this and the other part was trembling with fear. After remember Dante is a threat I had grown a small fear of him. Now that he is loose, We all aren't to sure of what to do.

Lady Aphmau words became distantand fuzzy to me. Realizing that my best friend might have a grudge on me. Everyghing seemed to happen so quickly. I had tried to leave as I felt dizzy and weak. I felt more than Laurences hands tryong to hold me up but I didn't like it.

All noise around me disappeared as I felt a scream come up my throut and on to the floor. I fell to my knees gripping onto the closes person possible and held on to their shoulder tightly.

Everyone was a blur and the voices started to come back but it brought a head ache with it. Their voices boomed loudly in my ears and I felt like screaming again.

Which I did, but only to realizeI had thrown up. "Garroth, Calm down" was all I heard before I did eventually pass out.

When I opened my eyes I saw the cieling of my room and felt a figure close to my body. "You awake?" Laurences soft voice flew tbrough out the room. "Yes, I am" I said looking at him.

"They haven't found Dante yet but don't worry your ok...we're ok" Laurence whispered. "Ok" I muttered. This doesn't seem it?

"You ok? Your tense" Laurence said as he wrapped his arms warmly around me. "....This doesn't feel real" I said looking at him. "What do you mean?" He asked sitting up. "I mean-" I froze at my words as I felt cold and stiff.

My breathes became hitched and I felt like passing out again. Everything spinned as Dante stood in front of me. A knife in hand....and in my stomach.

"....Night Ro'meave~" He said.

"Laurence" I whispered before falling over.

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