The Kings of Evergreen

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"He'll be safe on our ship Laurence, I promise you that, but for your mentality please take another ship than ours" Lady Aphmau said as everyone stood around us. It has not been but a day since Garroth was murdered, a long tiring day.

"You coming Travis?" Katelyn asked, looking back at the white haired male. "I would love to go back to Phoenix Drop, but.. I brought these monsters and creatures here with almost no way back to their realm.. I can't just abandon them and it wouldn't be the best idea to bring them either.." Travis said giving a small smile to everyone.

The monsters that had ran off and we aloud to leave slowly but surely can into view. "Does this mean that you are still our King, Travis?" A pink fairy asked, eyes goeaming with reassurance. "For better this time" He said smiling. The monsters all roared with happiness.

"Well I hope this means we are allies now as well" Lady Aphmau said, standing in front of Travis. "Of course you guys are, I could never betray Phoenix Drop- well never again" He laughed. Everyone started to board the ships we had; all except Katelyn, Vylad, Zane, and I.

"Well Travis, although you haven't exactly had me falling for you, I hope you find someone that can at least control you" Katelyn said, playfully punching Travis.
"Actually.. I already have" He smiled "You really moved on quick didn't you" She joked. "It's not like that- I've just come to realize my relationship status with someone in the background of all of this.." He said smiling more to himself.

"Well I'm proud of you, and this mysterious lover of yours" Katelyn said, giving him a hug and boarding as well.

"C'mon big brother, let's go with Laurence" Vylad said softly reaching for Zane's hand. But Zane pulled from him and stepped back. "I'm not going.." He said aloud, for everyone to hear. "I'm going to.. Stay here"

Everyone from the to the monsters watched in confusion. "Why- oh.. I forgot" Vylad said softly. I looked at it all in confusion. Is this really the last place the Ro'Meaves will see each other? Why is Zane staying? "Guys, as sudden and unexpected as this turn will take.. This is the mysterious lover that can help control my anger and help me keep Evergreen thriving" Travis said, moving next to Zane.

They held each other hands and looked at us for another say. "Wow, when did this happen?" I asked, trying to lighten the surprise. "How do you think I got back to being myself? Zane pretty much talked me back into it with the help of Garroth and Vylad, of course" Travis said happily.

~Garroths Memory~

"Travis, I know you're still there. I know you're still alive!" Zane shouted as we battled against him. "No he is not! Give it up! The little white haired boy you knew is gone! You won't be able to ever get him back!" He yelled, going against Zane this time. Their swords were at a stand still against each other as they both stood their ground. I grabbed on to Vylad to stop him from attacking.

"Katelyn was the only one who could have saved him, and she's not even herself to do so!" He laughed as he started to push against Zane. "That's where you're wrong! I've stopped you before and I'll do it once more.. For I am Zane Ro'Meave.
Past lover to Travis
And past destroyer of you!
Only this time
For real!" Zane yelled, pushing him back to the ground. As Travis fell, Zane grabbed him by the rim of his attire and pulled him into a kiss.

"Oh my-" Vylad covered his mouth in shock. "Since when did they go out?" Vylad asked in shock, "It must of been years ago, but Travis sure still has feelings" I said. "How so?"
I pushed Vylads head towards them again as Travis turned into a gleaming bright purple, before blasting into white, holding Zane's head into the kiss.

"Zane.. I'm sorry for all these years I thought you hated me" He said weakly. Zane shook his head laughing, "I never was"
Travis nodded his head before passing out in Zane's arms. Picking him up, Zane motioned us to go. "That was cute" Vylad smiled
Zane rolled his eyes and took off towards Evergreens


"Wow, so you guys dated years ago?" I asked happily. "Years ago and now" Travis said smiling. "All hail Kings Travis and Zane!" The pink fairy cheered, causing all the creatures to again roar with delight.

"All hail The Kings of Evergreen!" Katelyn cheered, everyone joining in. "I'm so proud of you... King Zane" Vylad said smiling, tears welling in his eyes. He threw himself into his brothers arms and held onto him for dear life.

"I can visit you when ever right? You'll be okay here?" Vylad cried, his grip seemingly getting tighter. "Of course Vylad, you'll always be welcomed. Everyone is" Zane said holding him just as tight.

When Vylad let him go, he had to board the ship or else he might have never let him go. I got on after him and we set sail back to Phoenix Drop. Once there, we had buried Garroth in a proper grave..

"Where do you want him?" Lady Aphmau asked. "Under the tree, at the top of that hill" I said softly. "You'll see him again, don't think you won't" She reassured. "I know, but how long do I have until then? Months? Years? Decades? It's all such a pain to think about" I said with a big sigh. "Then don't think about it, live everyday as if Garroth was by your side" Lady Aphmau said, walking away to leave me.

"Everyday with Garroth by my side? Hah, such a crazy thought. How could I live as if he were still here" I laughed, years falling from my eyes. I looked at Phoenix Drop and smiled.

"Everyday.. By my side?"

"For as long as you love me back"

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