Chapter Seven

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Enjoy~~ ***Fiction***

Garroth: We pulled apart for air. We stared each other in the eye. "Did you..." "But you...."

We stayed quiet not doing anything. I eventually got up and closed the door.

He sat up and looked at me. "Do you like me?" He asked. I sighed. I'm confused about these emotions. I'm not sure if I even like boys yet. It scares me.

"....I'm just confused" I said. "....I'm never leaving here am I" He asked frowning. "Ding ding ding!" I said smiling.

"Uh....Fine" Laurence said crossing his arms. "I'll be back tomorrow" I said walking away.

I walked away and kept thinking. Laurence didn't seem any different in the explosion but some thing didn't seem right.

Its like we got a...connection connected. Like we were in half but now together.

It made me feel weird thinking about him. The butterfly's are back....

"Hey Garroth!" said Travis walking up to me. "Hey Travis" I said.

"How are you? You ok?" He asked "I'm fine Just got back from putting Laurence in a cell" I said.

"Coolness but hey...If you need someone to talk to just come to me...ok" Travis said looking at me

"I will" I said. He jogged off and I smiled. Should I tell him....Nah.

"Garroth!!" yelled Katelyn. I turned around and jumped back to see Katelyn right there.

"You scared me" I mumbled. "Sorry, but Lady Aphmau wants to see you" She said.

"Where is she?" I asked. "Right here" Lady Aphmau said walking up to us.

"Katelyn.... If you may" Lady Aphmau said. Katelyn bowed then walked off.

"Everything ok?" I asked. "Yes, We are rebuilding everything as we speak all citizens are accounted for, and the Shadow Knight....Laurence. He is?" said Lady Aphmau.

"In the cells we have" I said answering Her question. "Ok....I wanted to talk to you about Laurence by the way....You see like I said Laurence was made a Shadow Knight. He was captured when you guys were only little. Y'all were going to the top of the hill to see the sun set. Of course I wasn't here for it but Dante was....The three of y'all were going to the top Dante got there first. Laurence second, then you. You were lacking behind. But when you got to the top the lights got in your eyes as you reached the top, Hr held you hand s up and leaned back but in the process you tried to grab something...someone....You grabbed Laurence's shirt and pulled him with you. Dante tried to help you both but y'all were already rolling down the hill" Lady Aphmau said.

I couldn't remember anything, but it seemed familiar.

"Dante got down the hill and went for help. When he returned with your mom Laurence wasn't there anymore. Just you unconscious. When I arrived here and Travis, Dante, and You wanted to be guards for me. Katelyn and I agreed of course. Dante and had time to talk at a point and told me the story himself." She finished.

I felt dizzy and sick. "Garroth are you ok?" Lady Aphmau. "I'm fine..." I mumbled. ".....Never mind I lied" I said.

"Garroth Look out!!" screamed Laurence. Laurence came falling on top of him. I saw someone smirking before I head hit the ground and we went rolling down.


I opened my eyes and saw I was on the ground of the village. Lady Aphmau, Katelyn, Travis, and Dante were there.

"Are you ok?" Travis asked me. "Why?" I asked looking at Dante.

"Why what?" He asked.

I sat up dizzy "Why'd do you push Laurence off the hill when we were little?" I asked. All eyes were on him.

Woah....I think I'll finish it here for now...Anyway guys sorry the wait i be been busy but I'll try to update the other story's but in the mean time.

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