Two Days Away

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I layed in the cold cell of this place as I shook from exhaustion. I can't sleep, not here with these monsters. "Garroth? Garroth!" whisper shouted a person in front of me. They crouched close to the cell and looked at me with hopeful eyes. "Travis?" I muttered. I'm going delusional "I'll help a few of you out, but I can't everyone or else they'll be looking for you" He said softly. "What are you trying to do?" I asked unamused. He looked me in the eyes and sighed. "I'm slowly disappearing Garroth. Who I am is being destroyed and soon I'll be gone. I want to help before I'm destroyed" Travis said lowering his head.

"But you're in control, right?" I asked. He kept his head down and said nothing as he opened the door. "I'll be able to let three of you go. Maybe four but they'll suspect you left and search for you guys" He said looking around for another cell to open. Once we got four people, being Aaron, Gene, Vylad, and I. We were originally going to take Zane too, but we wanted Vylad and I out of harm before him. We couldn't argue since Travis was rushing us. We took us to the back of the Isles where it wasn't being built for a kingdom. "You can go through here and you should find the end of the Isles after a few hours. Once you get there I'll try and send a boat. Steal the boat and leave, once I can get more of you guys out I'll signal you guys to come and get them" Travis explained, handing us each a bag of supplies.

"And Lady Aphmau and the others you didn't capture? What about them?" Aaron asked. "I'll try and send them this way, if they don't attack that is" He said rubbing his head. "Are you ok?" Vylad asked. "Not really, The demon is trying to fight me. Just go! If a boat doesn't come within a few days then... Just stay safe" Travis said. We nodded and started our way into the forest.

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