Chapter Two

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Garroth: "Alright I want all guards on there best for here on now!" said Aphmau. I was slowly pushing my way to the front of the crowd and to the small stage Lady Aphmau is on.
"If there is one thing we know about Shadow Knights. Its that they are dangerous. Luckily two of the guards who found the Shadow Knight trying to enter the kingdom and chased him off was not injured. Travis and Garroth I would like to give you my blessing for protecting your kingdom against the Shadow Knight. Now We don't have much information about the Shadow Knights except that we are sure that they have a spy watching us and trying to get into the kingdom But have no fear! We will project the Kingdom." Lady Aphmau spoke. Everyone was there all guards and towns people.
I looked over to the wall he usually tried to come up. Why that wall? I looked for a while longer until Aphmau got done with her speak.
"Garroth! I need to talk to you!" yelled Katelyn. I turned around to see Katelyn practically dragging Travis over towards me.
While some just gave glances and mutters, they all walked away as Katelyn yelled at us.
We were just staring down at the ground. "Look! I'm going to go a little easy on you and say you two are now Lady Aphmau guards and no longer watch duty since you didn't sound an alarm.....I would most likely fire you two if only Lady Aphmau gave me the permission too.....Let me guess there was no hawks huh?" said Katelyn.
"No" we said. Katelyn came make you feel really disappointed fast and it really hurts me now knowing we lied....I could get fired if me or Travis tells that Laurence has been coming for a good while now. Travis is the only one who knows I trust him but put him under pressure he will crack.
"Was there any hawks?" asked Katelyn. "No" we said "Travis, I know you will tell me the truth. Is this your first in counter with the shadow knight?" she asked looking straight at Travis. "Y-yes" he stuttered. "Is he telling the truth Garroth" "Yes"
"Now Garroth is this your first time seeing the Shadow Knight?" Katelyn said. "...Yes" I said "Travis...Is Garroth telling the truth?" "......" "Travis? Is Garroth telling the truth?" Katelyn asked again. "......" Katelyn bent down and made Travis look her in the eyes. "Is Garroth Telling The Truth?!" she said. Don't break Travis........
"He...He..." Travis couldn't lie to Katelyn. Not once ever. "I am!" I blurted. Katelyn and Travis looked at me both. Katelyn confused, Travis disbelief I would sell my self out.
"I have seen the Shadow Knight more than one time to many! Travis has no idea if last night was my first that's why he didn't answer right away.....I'll take full responsibility for this....I practically dragged Travis into this" I said.
Katelyn walked over to me. "You are still going to be a guard for Lady Aphmau but only at night, when you stand by her door. Travis will go back to his regular duty. Right about now I don't want to see you in any ones sight. You may have stopped the Shadow Knight from coming into the kingdom. But You never warned nor told anyone. Im going to go around town and ask of anyone has seen you, if they say yes your dead. Now go and get out of everyone's vision until tonight" spoke Katelyn.
I looked down and walked away. The only way I'm not seen is going out the kingdom. I left for the gates while Travis was probably trying to convince Katelyn not to let me leave for the whole day.
I walked out the gates looking back seeing Lady Aphmau looking at me then Katelyn. I turned around and took off running.

*Time Skip 10 minuet from before*

I fell to the ground tired from running. Tears streaming down my face. "Well well Ro'meave looks like Katelyn doesn't trust you huh? Awe that's a shame Now that your no longer night watch, maybe I could get into the Kingdom quicker. Travis that little weasel didn't even stand a chance against me! But now.....You Garroth is something different" said a voice. "Laurence....If you are looking for anyway for me to help you. You are wrong ! I would never betray Lady Aphmau nor the Kingdom" I said getting up.
"Well....How about this! Shadow Knights are on their way right to burn your Kingdom and take something valuable to Aphmau.....Like her son Levin? or maybe kidnap a few of her citizens" Laurence said.
My eyes were wide with shock. "You wouldn't...." I said. "...To late for that now Garroth" Laurence said coming out from the Shadows.

I spun around and took off back to Lady Aphmau. I kept running Hoping I wouldn't find anything destroyed or anything or more like anyone on the ground dead.

Time skip 10 minute like before!

I reached the gates and saw everyone and everything normal. I ran to Lady Aphmua castle. "Garroth your not suppose to be here!" said Travis as I ran by. I practically barged in.
"GARROTH WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" yelled Katelyn. She started storming towards me. I ran to the stairs on the side running to Levin's room. "Garroth!" yelled Dante as I pushed passed him.
I open Levin's door and saw a Shadow Knight holding him in her embrace. "Shhhh his is asleep" she said. She stood from the chair she sat on and put Levin in his small bed. "Well well well...If it isn't Garroth Ro'meave Now ain't that a shocker" she said.
"Garroth! What was that all about....." said Dante running to me. He saw the girl. We both drawn our swords. "Go ahead attack me but you will wake Levin up" said the girl. She was really getting on my nerves. "If Levin is Lady Aphmau child....Do you think he would cost a lot to sell?" she asked.
"That's it!" I said. I charged towards her. She barely enough time before I tackled her, only problem was that she was right by the window.
We fell to the ground. She flipped me so that I landed before her but She had my arms held down so when I hit the floor, all I heard was a few unnatural sounds before the world got dark.

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