Chapter 14

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As we walked in and to Lady Aphmau we grew more heisitent about doing this. We honestly didn't think this through but....I still have my back up plan ready to go. If I need it that is....

"Garroth, Katelyn said something about Lauren-....." She trailed off as she saw we were linked hand in hand. "..." A smile crept on her face as she looked at us. "...Well What do we have here hm?" She asked. She tried to sound not upset but more of....concerned but all I heard was her holding excitement back.

"...Lady Aphmua....I love Laurence Zhavl and Laurence loves me....I beg that we no longer keep him prisoner but....maybe a boyfriend" I said adding the last part for support.

Laurence just smiled at me while Lady Aphmau poundered. "On one condition" She said.

"Anything!" We said in unison.

"We let Dante go as well~"

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