Chapter Eight

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Enjoy~ ***Fiction***

Laurence: (Twist! not really) I stayed in the cell not able to do anything. Why do I feel this way for Garroth? Its strange for me to like him...I've never liked anyone before and certionally not a boy.

"I'm telling you! I'm inoccent! Garroth you have no idea what your saying! You have to be lying!" yelled a voice. I looked as much as I could and saw a boy with blur hair: Dante.

He was put in the cell in front of me, "Garroth is lying I would never push Laurence off the hill and into Garroth! They are friends!" Dante rambled.

I looked at him as Aphmau looked at Dante upset. Everyone that followed left one by one...until Garroth was left.

"...I can't believe it... You actually remember what happened! After all these years...You finally admit it! Its to late for Laurence Garroth might as well give up" Dante said smirking.

"Its never to late...Lesson for today" Was all he said.

Dante eyes slowly crept I. my direction. "Hm...Well...Just you and me for now until they think Garroth is crazy and let me go" Dante spoke crossing his arms.

"What do you mean by Its to late for me?" I asked. He looked at me confused. He had to think before answering. "Oh right, Look at yourself. Your a Shadow Knight What's so special about that? Nothing! Shadow Knights are evil people with dark souls. Don't care about anyone. My plan is simple all I have to do left is-...You know what...Wait and see" said Dante smirking.

I sighed all those things he said hurt Its not like I've killed anyone...I did almost kill others...the Travis boy being one.

I layed against the wall of the cell
I have nothing to do might as well try to think of a way to convince them I'm not dangerous so I could escape.

Sorry for the long wait and the short chapter guys!!! I'll make it up


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