Chapter 23// Garroths Goodbye

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"Any survivors?" I asked Vylad. He was up in a tree looking back at Shadow Knights territory. "From what I can tell... Few or so it looks like" He said as he jumped down from it. "Let's continue looking" I said. Both Zane and Vylad nod as we continue to walk.

I know it's best to run but we were lost in thought. Travis... Travis caused all this. I've known him since practically forever and to make this mess? He done more damage than our escape. "Don't think so hard, you'll only stress yourself" Vylad said not even looking at me.

"I know, but Travis made all this" I said. "Who even is Travis?" Zane asked. "Isn't he the white haired boy?" Vylad questioned looking at me. "Ahahahha! That weakling?! I'll believe it when I see it" Zane laughed. "Did you not see the mess that happened to the Shadow Knights?!" I yelled stopping.

"What proof do you have that he caused that?" Zane argued as he stopped as well. "Guys stop or else he will hear you" Vylad said trying to shush us. "Shut it Vylad, I mean come on! How can someone like him cause destruction like that" Zane said pouring back at Shadow-....

"Well I got a few options that could have happened..."

"When did he get behind us?" Vylad asked. We all backed up, slightly terrified at his arrival. He held Dante and his brother in his hands; both unconscious. "I could have done it, or maybe I did it... What answer do you like?" Travis said. He has changed... Very much changed.

His hair was ash colored lighter than the dark gray his skin turned to. His eyes violet and horns came from his head. A dark arua left him evily. "I kinda like the could have" Vylad said. "Oh you do?...To bad it's the wrong answer" He growled, his voice deep and demotic.

He threw Dante's brother quickly at Vylad knocking down. "Vylad" Zane and I said going by him. "Take Gene... Be will only be in the way, it's Dante I want anyways. See ya boys!" Travis said walking towards us. I pulled out my sword and held it to his chest.

"What are you Travis?!" I yelled. He stood there with a black express before smirking. "Haha, I'm the last thing you see before-" I gasped and dropped to my knees with my sword going limp with me. "Garroth!" Zane yelled but it seemed so far away.

Travis pushed the sword into me more before letting it go. "I'm the last thing you see before you die" Travis whispered close to me. He chuckled and walked off as everything got bright.

"May Irene herself have mercy on you Travis as you walk along your corrupted path of destruction. Farewell to you brothers and Laurence... May you have the strength to stop him.... Goodbye"

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