Chapter Four

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Five Days since the kingdom attack

Garroth: We were cleaning up as much as we could savaging as much supplies as possible. We were able to get into the armory luckily, but when we looked in houses hoping for citizens, nothing.

"Garroth he has arrived" said Travis running up to me. I was looking back at the tree Laurence was in. It still pained me to think he has Lady Aphmau.

"This better be important, for you to make me come to your trashy kingdom brother!" said Zane.

I turned around to face Zane who looked super upset."Its about Phoenix Drop. We were attacked and we need as many help as we can get" I said.

"Just because I'm alies with Phoenix Drop doesn't mean I'll help....But if there was something in it for me" said Zane.

I shook my head. "How about everyone will know you helped save a Divine warrior?" I guessed. "....It'll give me a good title...Ok ill help" my brother said.

"Garroth! Aaron is here!" yelled Jeffrey. I walked over to the gates to greet Aaron. "What has happened to Phoenix Drop..." Aaron asked scanning the area.

"Shadow Knights is what has happened" I said. "Shadow Knights?!" yelled Zane. "If you told me this I would have agreed faster! I despite them so badly!" said Zane.

"They have everyone except Jeffrey, Travis, me, and Levin" I said.

"Oh Good they didn't capture the nice and not fighty one, the weak one, the child, and my terrible brother!" said Zane sarcastically.

"I'll help safe your village. Mainly cause Aphmau is captured and I would do anything for Aphmau" said Aaron.

"Thanks Aaron, Thanks Zane" I said.

"Garroth Cadenza and Lucinda are here!" yelled Travis.

I walked over to the girls. They are Aphmaus friends out of Phoenix Drop.

"Hello Garroth, What has happened to Phoenix Drop?" asked Cadenza. "....What has happened is that Shadow Knights attacked this place and took most everyone and we need as much help as we can to save everyone" I explained.

They looked at each others before nodding in agreement. "What can we do to help?" Lucida asked. I smiled as I knew we could save them.

Everyone got to work to the position I put them in. We need to prepare before attacking which some of us hasn't.

I walked over to the wall where Laurence usually is. I glided my hand across some what of what's left of the wall.

"Do you really believe your going to win? Yoga and tour pathetic army will lose the second y'all set foot on Shadow territory" said Laurence. I looked up at him.

"Oh I'm hoping for it." I said smiling. "What are you talkin-" "My plan is to sneak into the place as Shadow Knights, Pretend you have captured us and once we are inside we slowly take a guard out at a time until we have took enough out for us get get everyone out and attack what's left" I said.

"Only problem with that is that you need me for this plan and I know exactly what your are doing" He smirked. "Oh...We already have you" I said.

He looked confused until Travis knocked him out with a piece of stone.

"Nice work, now let's get Jeffrey into his clothes and have. the girls watch him as we make our move" I said.

We dragged Laurence over to the basement and traded clothes so that way Jeffrey was wearing it.

"Ok now for our plan! Lucida and Cadenza I need you two to stay here and watch Laurence to make sure he doesn't escape. Aaron and Zane be ready to dress as Shadow Knights once we taken two down. Y'all will be watch for emergency. Jeffrey you are going to pose as Laurence and get us into Shadow territory. Once we are in you'll untie us so we may make our way to where they are keeping everyone. We get everyone out and attack our way out, Any questions?" I said
"What about me?" asked Levin. "We need you stay safe ok" I said

He nodded understanding. "Ok....Who is ready to kick Shadow butt" I said smiling.

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