Chapter 29 // Prepare

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Everything and everyone in the kingdom was a complete mess. Guards and Knights going back and forth as we try not to turn into one another. Lady Aphmau as been busy keeping the main few in order.

The main few being: Laurence, Aaron, Vlyad, Zane, Jeffrey, Lucinda, Cadenza, Nicole, and-

"I refuse to let Gene and his Shadow Killers apart if this!" Aaron said hitting the table harshly. Gene and his main few were sitting at the table. Gene and his Shadow Knights want to help us, they want to stop Travis.

"We need all the help we can get!" Lady Aphmau argued. "To be honest, I think we should let them" Vlyad said softly. "Thats because you have a crush on Dante" Jeffrey said smirking evily. "I do not!" Vlyad said turning red. "Do too" Jeffrey said, enjoying how irritated Vlyad is getting.

"Enough! Look I... I still don't fully trust you guys. Give us a reason why we should receive help from you?" Lucinda said looking at them.

"Its about strength in a kingdom" Gene said. "What?" Nicole asked confused. "The Shadow Knights are strong, but if Travis becomes stronger then we're just betas to the alpha" Zenix said explaining the situation.

"So you wanna stop Travis from growing stronger than you guys?" Cadenza questioned. "Yep" Sasha said smiling.

"Its fair enough of an answer to me, all in favor?" Lady Aphmau said. "Im ok with it, I mean Laurence is cool so im cool" I said grabbing his hand. "Please no, imma barf" Zenix said turning away.

"I agree if Garroth agrees" Vlyad said giving me a nod of approval. "Then Im in too" Zane said leaning forward toward the table. "Im in" Jeffrey said rubbing his chin. "You have my vote" Lucinda said.

"Mine too" Nicole said smiling. "Well I agree as well" Cadenza said nodding to us. We all turned towards Aaron waiting for his approval. I looked towards the Shadow Knights and felt... Bad for them. All they every wanted was to be accepted, but then we didn't so they only want to be superior.

Thats what they had until Travis took that from them. If any thing, they almost have nothing. Gene, Zenix, and Sasha are strong but they still look terrible from Travis. "I don't trust you guys at all but... I agree" Aaron finally said with a small nod of approval. They almost actually looked happy.

"Thank you, and just so you know. After all this we're going to rebuilt our base and probably be back" Gene said with a small smile. "Thats fine by me" Lady Aphmau said smiling as well. "Now then... Lets prepare for what will happen" She continued. "Ill see that my troops who are willing to fight come to you for instructions" Gene said as we all stood up.

Everyone left to prepare. I was walking out when Laurence stopped me. "Garroth, I want to talk to you" He said looking at everyone. Those who were left nodded and left to give us peace. "Garroth... What ever happens I want to be with you" He said holding my hands. "What do you mean" I asked confused.

"If you die... I want to die with you" He said. "Laurence no-" "Garroth. I want to be with you wherever you are. If you die, please let me be with you" Laurence said interrupting me. "Laurence I would love for you to be with me, but I don't want you to die. Yes it would be amazing to live happily together, but if I die.. Live for me" I said holding his cheeks.

His eyes looked sad and betrayed. "Please, If I die don't kill yourself for me. Live with pride!" I said feeling myself wanting to cry. He grabbed my hands, not moving them away from his face. "Then if I die, do the same for me" He said crying. I let my tears fall as I pulled him into a kiss. "Its going to be ok, what ever happens happens" I said wiping his tears away.

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