Chapter Nine

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Garroth: I was laying in bed trying to get some rest. Its about midnight and all I could think about was Laurence.

I don't know why he is making me.....feel this way...I like it though. I like him. Does he like me?

No way! He probably doesn't like boys!

"Don't forget we kissed"

Great now I'm hearing voice.

"You can stupid sometimes.... You know that right?"

Hey!! This is my head and your not invited so go away


Much better.

I felt pressure on my bed as someone held my arms down.

"I don't have to listen to you. I can leave as I please~" Laurence said.

"When did....I was talking out loud wasn't I..." I said blushing.

"Maybe...." He said shrugging.

"How much did you here?" I asked.

"If I recall..... I don't know why he is making...feel this way...I like it though. I like him. Does he like me?" He repeated.

I closed my eyes hoping it would all go away.

Please let this be dream....Please let this be a dream....

I felt something soft touch my lips. It pulled away not long after.

"Did that feel like a dream?" He asked.

"....No" I mumbled.

"Then....I guess its not" He shrugged sitting up.

"I'm glad its not" I said.


I pulled Laurence down and kissed him again.

"I swear if this is a dream..." I said.

"Just go to sleep...."Laurence whispered pulling to his embrace.

"....How did you get out?" I mumbled.

"I'm not telling"

Was all I heard before I fell asleep.


"Garroth? I'm scared....What if bad people come and attack...what if they take one of us away! I don't want to lose you" Laurence said looking at me.

"Laurence look, If we are every taken away promise me something" I said looking at my friend.

We were in a tree its our favorite thing to do.

"Promise me that if we ever get taken away. That We will meet right here under this tree, by this wall of the kingdom and have a race....We can run from everything! Everyone and just have fun....Ok?" I said.



*cough* wall in chapter 1 and 4 *cough cough*

*cough cough* tree in chapter 3 *cough cough*

*cough* race chapter 1 *cough*

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