Garroths Epilogue

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I opened my eyes and looked at the once again peaceful world that I've seen before. "Welcome Warrior. I hope you are ready to finally join me this time" said the soft voice of Irene herself.

She wore her robe and dress, her hair softly picking up in small gust that goes by. The grass, trees, and everything around her just seemed to glow with life.

I smiled softly at her as she sat next to the river back. The water flowed delicately along as fish of every kind swam with peace. Rabbits chasing each other playfully on the other side of the bank. An elk passing by to munch on the lustful grass beneath us.

"Don't believe I have a choice" I said laughing softly at the end. Her laugh echoed beautifully among the worlds sound. Making every nearby creature sound back a noise of their own.

"Come Garroth, sit next to me and watch these creatures live their life" She said, gently patting the ground next to her. As I sat down, I took notice on my appearance. I wore a size to big beige shirt with some cloth pants, no shoes or socks, no weapons or helmet either. Just the clothes on my back and the peace in my soul.

"There is no need for armour or weapons here. Everything lives in harmony, nothing will hurt us" Irene said as though she read my thoughts on the matter. "Very well then, that is all I need to know" I said closing my eyes as I took everything in with a deep breathe.

A slight tug from the back of my head made me turn in a quick manner. One that caused Irene to look herself. We searched behind us to find only a small cottage and no one or thing else.

"Someone must be keeping your name back in Phoenix Drop. That would explain the tugging you're filling" She said calmly, not batting an eye at the subject. "But I am gone, of course they will keep my name in their mouth" I said confused at first.

She licked her lips and seemingly smaller the lump in her throat. "I meant badly. Who ever is their talking about you either is in denial or putting your name in bad places" She again explained, not looking at me no more. I gave her a simple oh as I felt the tugging again. It seems I will have to get used to the tugging for the time being, but it will not bother me from my peace.

I am meant to be here this time, and I will enjoy my time here with Irene. "Garroth, I believe you deserve to give a farewell" Irene said, looking at me. "But I'm already gone? Why say a farewell now?" I questioned as I started at her for an answer.

"Just to bid everyone farewell, whether they hear it or not" She simply replied, turning to me so I may speak. I started at her quietly, knitting my brows together to come up with something to say. After a thought about everything, I cleared my throat.

"Although my time with Phoenix Drop and Laurence has come to an end. I know I will one day see him and all others again. My days were numbered and came to an end. I am not upset not am I saddened by my tragedy, but rather content with the outcome. One day Laurence, my love, you shall also join me here with Irene and all of our friends when the time comes. The journey I have gone on with you has been a blessing to say the least. Will I return again to Phoenix Drop I doubt it. But I can't speak for my return in another adventure. I thank you all, my friends, family, love one, and to you all as well who has read my journey that has led me and you to this point. After several years, my time has come to an end. And I wouldn't want it any way different. I hope to see you again for a return in the future, but for now. I will rest here with Irene and enjoy my days waiting for Laurence to come."

Thank you all for reading

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