The Finale Battle

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"Do not give in! Do not stop! We can take everything!" Lady Aphmau yelled, holding a shield in place as they battle sought out. The noise was loud and moving very quickly. I jumped through the battle dodging everyone while I searched for Garroth. The fighting ground was far too packed and busy with warriors and monsters to even try and see my lover.

"Garroth! Garro-" I skid against the ground with a hiss of pain. Looking up, there stood a tall and muscular male. He has jet black hair, red eyes and red horns coming from his head. He wore armour and wielded a giant sword. "The name is Methusael, son of Dake and Rhal. And I am here to take your life Laurence" announced the male as he held his sword up.

"Then try and take it from me" I said, getting up and getting into a stance. With an evil smile, Methusael charged full speed at me. Head above head he threw it down to me; blocking the attack I held my ground. Surprised was too small of a word for how much I estimated his strength.

"I thought you were ready Laurence? Didn't expect a struggle so quick from you" He growled, picking up his foot he kicked me back and came at me again. I had little time to get ready for his next attack as he swung his sword at me, barely missing me as I backed up. His attacks kept up like this as I backed up and up, occasionally using my sword to block a close call.

"Your defense is amazing I might say, but let me tell you~ You can't keep this up forever boy" Methusael slurred, stopping his attack. I stared at him as I felt the wind from the edge blowing against me. "Well then fairie boy? Come at me!" He yelled, arms open for my attack. Looking at him and the battlefield before me, I knew I had to stop him before Garroth is here.

Taking a deep breathe, I charged at him like he did. My body falling victim to the inner demons inside..


I stood still awaiting my king to arrive as I was already dressed for my wedding. "Maybe, he needs help" I muttered in worry. "Nonsense you're highness~ Thy King is fierce and beyond powerful! He'll be here" Vile the small pink pixie, who has come to be my friend, assured. "I hope you are right friend, I don't know what I would do without him" I sighed, turning away from the scene before me.

The sound of explosions and the ground shaking had us look at one another. "Your Highness, I'm sure everyone is just fine!" Vile said, panic covering her face. The ground cracked before us and I looked up at the forest.



Gene, Aaron, Vylad, Zane, and I held Travis at a bay, but even us five it seemed to just get harder.


We all stared in horror as the ground started cracking and breaking under our feet. "We have to run!" Aaron called out. We started to retreat and run back to the village. "Not so fast!" Travis screamed, grabbing my collar and throwing me back. "Garroth!" Vylad screamed, Gene trying to hold him back. "Don't you think you can escape from me so easily, you are going to die by my hands!" He yelled, swinging his sword.

I rolled away from him, searching for my sword that was throw away a distance away. "Don't even try and escape, you won't be able to run away Ro'meave!" He yelled, smiling devishly at me. I got up and started toward my sword. "Oh no Ro'meave, you're not fighting back so easily" Travis called, kicking me with such force I couldn't breathe.

"Enough!" Zane screamed. He ran at Travis at a speed you couldn't match and knocked him down. "I'd you refer to a Ro'meave then you get all three of us" Zane said, Vylad breaking from Genes hold. "Go, help the others that are in the town" Zane commanded, turning his attention back to Travis, who started to get back up.

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