Chapter 25// Lady Aphmau??

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Zane and Vylad helped me up and walk back to the Shadow Knight kingdom. "Be honest with us, did you really die?" Zane asked looking at me. "I think so...I remember but its fuzzy to me" I said, my heading hurting.


"Garroth? Garroth Ro'meave? Are you awake yet?" A voice soft and peaceful filled my ears. I hoped my eyes and felt calm and blissful. "Hello Garroth" giggled the voice. I looked over to my left and saw a women kneeling next to me.

"Good morning" She said giggling again. "Umm good morning?" I replied back. The area was a hill and tree. The hill had the perfect view of a river flowing beautifully. The land on the other side just as beautiful with a mixture of siffetent types of trees.

"Do you know where we are?" She asked smiling. She has a blue cloak over her head covering her eyes. Her long raven hair flowing softly with the wind. Her skin tone a perfect tan to go with her. A silk white dress and no shoes.

"No, I dont know where I am" I answered honestly. "This is your happy place. Its where your best memories are kept." She said smiling. She stood up and held out her hand. "Come with me, I have something I wanna show you" She giggled. We walked towards the water and sat down once again.

"Tell me...How do you feel?" She asked. "I...I guess I feel good and calm. Im not scared or frightened" I said smiling back at her. "Im sorry it won't last long...This realm isnt ready for you to be here just yet..." She said her smile becomibg small.

"What do you mean?" I asked looking at her. "If Katelyn agrees to Travis's deal then you shall go back for a battle you'll never forget. "Wait...You mean, Who are you?!" I asked getting up quickly. "You already know who i am Garroth?"

"Lady Aphmau?!" I said. Everything quickly faded as she disappeared. I open my eyes to be greeted by my brothers.

*end of flashback*

Ok so I remember exactly, but I don't want anyone to know until I confront Lady Aphmau herself. We walked in and everyone seemed a bit panicky. "Whats going on?" Zane asked to the nearest person. "Travis took Katelyn!"

Those three words, I knew Katelyn accepted Travis's deal. But what was the deal he made? Its not like Katelyn to just accept deals. What made her do it? "Garroth!" yelled the two voices i deeply desired. "Laurence! Lady Aphmau" I said happily. Laurence quickly ran and hugged me.

Lady Aphmau hugged my brothers before me so she may not intrude on our hug. "Im glad to see you three are ok" Lady Aphmau stated. "Barely, Garroth was killed but brought back" Vylad said. The two both looked at each other then back to us.

"Its true Lady Aphmau, Travis killed Garroth. Hes back now and we arent sure how" Zane said agreeing with Vylad. "Lets cakm down and-

"Lady Aphmau, Are you Irene herself?!" I blurted.

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