Chapter Three

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Garroth: Dream~ I was laying down on the grass with a body against me. I looked and gasped to find Laurence. He still slept as I slowly got up. I looked at my surrounding and saw this was the hill by the kingdom. The one I always went as a child with a few of my friends. "Garroth?" said a sleepy voice. I turned around and saw Laurence sitting up.
I walked over to him as he got up. "What happened" I asked. "What do you what happened?" Laurence said looking at me. "Why are we here what's going on?" I asked.
He smiled and chuckled. "Well what's going on is that last night was the best time I have ever since I became a Shadow night" said Laurence hugging me. "I love you Garroth" He said. By this time I was confused. "Garroth? You ok? Garroth!"

I opened by eyes and saw Travis looking down on me. I took notice I was in a bed room. Travis arm was in a home made sling staring at me.
"What happened?" I asked trying to sit up. A sharp pain sent from my side to my stomach. Travis came and helped me so I was sitting up."Be careful, You might have broke a rib or so. After you and that girl flew out the window the whole kingdom was bomb barded by Shadow Knights. They took everyone except You,Me,Jeffrey, and Levin. Jeffrey was able to save Levin before a Shadow Knight could get him. I was trying to get everyone to safety but no matter where we went they found us...except here! We are in a basement of a broken down house. Levin is asleep right now, Jeffrey is looking for any survivers you know. Once I found this was safe there wasn't many people left.... They had already took an all citizens. When I went all I saw left fighting was Katelyn, Dante, Lady Aphmau and me. Jeffrey went to go get you once he made sure he wasn't seen. Dante got knocked out, Katelyn tried to save him but the same Shadow Knight who you attacked stopped Katelyn. They had a huge battle until it was the girl standing. I ran to save Katelyn but was attacked by another Shadow Knight. They stopped me from getting to her....If I was stronger I could have stopped them...from taking her .While I was distracted, They all attacked Aphmau at once....I still couldn't have done anything" explain Travis.
He stood up and kicked his chair.
"Travis we talked about this. It wasn't your fault the girls were taken. There was nothing we could have done" said Jeffrey coming down some stairs.
"Travis you'll get us caught and you'll wake Levin up" said Jeffrey.
"Mommy?" said a small voice. We all looked and saw five year old Levin waking up. "Hey Levin.... You ok?" said Jeffrey. Travis stormed up to the top, "I'm ok...Hello Garroth Are you ok?" asked Levin looking at me. "I am Levin. Thank you for asking" I answered. "Would you like me to help you get up?" said Jeffrey walking up to me. I nodded as he put one of my arms around his shoulder. I put my feet on the ground and stood. I bent over from the pain.
"Slowly ok? Levin if you wish, you may come outside with us" said Jeffrey. "Ok!" said Levin getting up and heading up the steps.
We slowly made our way to the top and when I saw the town and kingdom. It was to much to taken in.

Buildings broken and burnt down, A part of the castle was broken down, complete rubble and dust still stood in the air as if they were just as shock by this mess.

"My Irene....its worst than I thought" I mumbled. I clumsily tried to walk over to a sword I saw. I slowly bent down and grabbed the sword.
"That's Lady Aphmau sword...." said Jeffrey. I looked up at the wall where Laurence usually is. It was completely taken down. He must have known it was the weak point to break in to....but how? The only way to take notice of it would be either he used to work for Lady Aphmau, or he was a citizen here....He wouldn't been able to tell from the outside.
"Garroth....How are we going to get my mom back?" asked Levin hugging my leg. ".....I have a plan but we need more people....A few other alias" I said. I looked back at the broken down wall and slightly I could see Laurence sitting in a tree holding.

Aphmaus gloves.

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