A Lovers Help

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We ran through the bushes, shrubs, and trees hiding every once in a while. "Laurence, who are we looking for?" Lady Aphmau questioned. "A certain secret lover~" I said with a smile. "Find them! If they are not in the water, then they must be on land!" ordered a tall man. The guards and ghouls passed by, with no one in sight we ran towards the closes building.

"Garroth? Vlyad? Gene?" I called quietly as we crept down cold steep steps of what seemed like an underground dungeon. "Hello?" called a voice. We made it down and saw cages and cages, locked with our soldiers inside. "Zane, is that you?" I said peering into the closes cell. "Yep, the one and only" He sighed. He played against the back wall just relaxing.

"Good, because the one and only is going to help us out" I said smiling.


"Are you crazy? We could die going back. Travis is sacrificing a lot for us" Gene said as Aaron and I stood in place. We had refused to leave on the boat and are arguing over staying. "Laurence needs me, I can't just leave him" I said giving him sad eyes. "And Aph is still back there somewhere. I can't leave her either" Aaron said.

"Again, you're crazy" Gene said rubbing his head. Vylad stood in the middle of this argument, waiting for a winning side. Gene looked at the ground then at us. "... Let's go back" Gene sighed. We all smiled in agreement, turning to make our way back.

"I can't believe we're going to go back and try and save them. It's mostly helpless without any backup. We are weak just by ourselves" Gene argued still. "Oh hush, we will be ok as long as we stay agile and aware. Or do you not have those abilities?" Vylad said with a cocky tone. "Jeez, brother, aren't you ruthless suddenly" I laughed. "To be honest, it runs in the family" He shrugged.

"You should have left when you had the chance"

We stopped dead on our tracks to come face to face with Travis. He stood highly to himself and wore armour. Upon his head layed a crown as his eyes glowed a sinister violet. "Trav-" "Travis is dead.. It's just your Highness now.." Cackling at the end of his sentence. He drew his sword and raised it above his head. We drew ours and looked at him, ready for him to strike.

He was safer than us, he swiftly strikes at us. The sound of two swords clanging against each other rang through our ears. Only... It wasn't one of us four.. "Zane?!" We yelled as he stood his ground, throwing Travis back a few steps. "Don't do this Travis, you know better" Zane said intensely.

"Do I really?" He smirked. "If you don't, then I'll show you better" Zane said, getting into a fighting stance. The sound of explosions and creatures roaring filled the background, and I realized something.

This is the beginning of a war..

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