Chapter 27 // Truth is...

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When we reached Phoenix Drop all the citizens looked at us for answers; which we ignored. We went straight towards the castle and to my room. The citizens were panicked, they assumed the worse for Lady Aphmau.

It wasn't until her return that they were calm again. I layed in bed and tried not to cry. Laurence was pacing, I assume he was thinking of this whole situation. I felt the bed weight go down and Laurence rub my back. "Its ok love, its ok" He whispered softly. I let the tears fall as he then hugged me while rubbing.

"Dont cry, its ok. I know no one believes you but I do" He said. "You do?" I asked looking at him. "Of course, if you died then you went to Irenes Dimension so you must have seen Irene herself" Laurence explained. "I love you" I cried. He said he loves me back and continued to rub my back. "Garroth, Laurence?" said the voice of Lady Aphmau.

"Yes?" Laurence said answering, as I stayed quiet. "May I come in?" She asked softly. Laurence looked down at me for approval. I shook my head, I didn't want to deal with her. Im not insane or delusional. "Im sorry" He said kissing my head. Before I could question, he stood up and walked to the door.

I flipped away from the door not looking at either of them. "Garroth, I was thinking of what you said... And I have to tell you some things..." Lady Aphmau said as she made her way towards the bed. I looked over at her and tried not to cry.

Laurence made his way next to me. "Garroth... Im not sure if I'm Irene herself. I denied it, but I have been yold years ago by Hryia that I hace a powerful soul inside me.... Waiting to be revealed. I was thrown back by your question, but I kept a straight face. Garroth, if you have seen Irene herself. Tell me what she told you..." Lady Aphmau said looking at me.

She meant every word, I know she did. "Irene told me her realm wasn't ready for me yet, and if Katelyn agreed to Travis's deal then I would return for a bigger battle" I said sitting up. "Anything else?" She asked. "....Her realm... Its full of nothing but good memories" I said.

Lady Aphmau looked at me confused before thinking. "If Katelyn is not dead then we need to think, where would Travis take her" Lady Aphmau said. "What about a castle?"

All three of us looked over to the door way to see Aaron standing there. "If Travis didn't intend to hurt her then maybe he took her to a castle" Aaron suggested. "True...but where would he get a castle?" Laurence asked.

"That....Im not sure of" Aaron said walking in. "What about the Abandoned Evergreen Isles?" I asked. "The what?" Lady Aphmau questioned. "The Abandoned Evergreen Isles, If I recall. Travis has told me he wanted to rebuild the whole city and make it an empire of his own" I explained getting up.

"How come ive never heard of these Isles?" Lady Aphmau asked. "Travis said not to say, he wanted it to be 'his hideaway'" I said. "So much for a hideaway now" Laurence said. "Aaron, Laurence, Garroth. Find it on a map and prepare to leave. I want to get to them immediately" Lady Aphmau instructed.

"Yes m'lady" We said in unison. The three of us made our way towards the door "Oh and Garroth" Lady Aphmau said. "Yes?"

"....May Irene stay by your side" She said smiling. "May she be" I replied back.

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