Chapter 3

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I scoot the food around on my plate, managing to make it look like I ate more than I did. Aunt Kelly hasn't moved from the counter so I take advantage, hoping she doesn't look too closely as I begin rinsing everything off before loading the items in the dishwasher.

"You didn't eat much." she says, catching me off guard.

I turn and see the worry behind her eyes. Shit. I need to reassure her, and fast. I can't have her thinking I'm sinking into another black hole. She knows Zack's death cut past the underbelly of my soul and I'm pretty sure she even watches me when I'm not aware of it. She's so much like Mom it's a little creepy. I'm going to have to be more careful. My sanity depends on it.

"I know, I'm sorry. Next time I'll text you if I eat before I come home." I say, placing my fork in the basket.

"I'm here for you, Kate." she says, stopping just behind me, her hand lightly rubbing my back. Even her touch is like Mom's which is strangely comforting.

"Good, because I need you." I say back, hoping it's enough to reassure her. I don't want to worry her anymore. She has enough to deal with and I'd never forgive myself if I made things even worse between her and Uncle John. Their marriage is in trouble and has been for a long time.  I glance over and catch her smile and give her one back. This time, I make sure it reaches my eyes.

"I'm going to look over the notes Skylar gave me. See you in the morning." I reach over and hug her tightly. She likes those kinds of hugs so those are the kind I always give her. Especially now. I feel her head nod against my shoulder, "Okay, sleep well."

My bedroom is just down the hallway from theirs. It's small with only a twin bed but it's all I need. I don't want to love this place or get too attached. As soon as I close the door and turn on the lamp, I plug in my iPhone, pushing the earbuds in place and setting the music to London Grammar. Her voice is haunting yet graceful and it's what I need to escape my troubled world. Even for the few hours of sleep I may or may not get.

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