Chapter 55

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Aunt Kelly instantly stops only feet from us and I watch her expression change.

"John...w—what's wrong with your eyes?" she says, taking another step.

"Stay away!" he growls, tightening his grip around me as he pushes the knife a little harder to my flesh.

Aunt Kelly's hands go up like he's pointing a gun at her and she looks at me with something far more than worry. It's more like devastation. Tears begin rolling down her cheeks and I close my eyes. Wishing, no, praying I could do something—anything to get away from him. But his hold is too tight and if I move even slightly, I have no doubt he'll slit my throat right here. He wants me dead, that much is clear.

Please me...


Without warning, an electric jolt runs through my body and I flinch from the shock. My lids instantly flash open and I'm confused because somehow, I'm free from Uncle John's grip.

Scanning the area, I realize I'm just a few feet away but it's as if everything is in slow motion. I watch as Uncle John trips forward a little from instantly losing his hold on me and he looks up. We lock eyes as he realizes I somehow got away and suddenly charges after me with the blade of the knife pointed straight at me.

"John, nooo!" Aunt Kelly shrieks, then slams her eyes shut and screams, "Gladio pereat!"

Whatever she said it was similar to what Dominic and Malum used. Maybe Latin?

And if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it. The knife actually jerks from his hand, as if someone yanked it away and goes flying through the air.

Uncle John's expression changes from fury to confusion as he immediately stops, darting his eyes from me to Aunt Kelly, like we've both performed some kind of magic trick. It's as if he's now the docile house dog surrounded by two wild predators. He crouches his body, like he's ready to fight but out of nowhere, something flashes to our right. A loud thump cracks to the ground and I quickly recognize the spikey, bloody wings. The creature or dude, or whatever his is, doesn't move and I instantly know he's dead.

My stomach drops because I don't see Dominic anywhere. I want to scream his name or run like hell to find him but I can't because Uncle John effortlessly pulls up an enormous rock and hurls it straight for me. His strength is frightening and I immediately react, ducking to escape the blow when something from behind pushes me out of the way. I fall to my knees and glance up to see Dominic, back to his hooded self, walking toward Uncle John.

He stops only inches away and his hand goes out like he's about to bless him and says, "Et abiit post bestiam."

Uncle John starts to shake and drops hard on his back. Aunt Kelly sprints toward him but Dominic raises his other hand like he wants her to stay back. Without words the message is clear and she stops, placing her palms over her mouth.

"Et abiit post bestiam." Dominic says again only this time, I watch Uncle John's eyes change back to normal.

Aunt Kelly starts to cry so I assume she saw it too as Uncle John blinks a few times and looks around. "Where am I?"

"You are safe." Dominic answers, reaching out to me. I rush to him and fall into his arms, kissing his neck when I feel something wet on his back. I draw my hand back and gasp because it's completely drenched in blood. Dominic stumbles but rights himself as his face goes white and my heart instantly starts to pound in my chest.

I can actually feel his weakness and his willingness to leave his body.

Oh my God, he's dying...




"Zack!" I scream...

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