Chapter 100

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Suddenly, Dominic hears something I don't and glances at the door. I follow his eyes and watch my brother walk in with Victoria following behind. Zack is already staring at Dominic and jerks his head to the right. Dominic instantly releases my hands, "Be right back," he whispers as Victoria stands in front of me, already bending into a full bow, "Your Majesty, I am so very sorry for your loss."

I'm not sure if she's trying to take my attention away from Dominic and Zack or if something else has happened. All I know is, I'm getting a bad feeling and as soon as Victoria straightens up I glare at her, "What's going on, now?" I ask, watching her eyes go to Zack and then back to me. "Nothing to concern yourself with, your Majesty. Are you hungry...thirsty?" Victoria's terrible attempt at masking the truth sends needles to my gut and I practically jump out of my chair and walk over to Dominic.

"Somebody better start talking..." I get out but Zack interrupts me, as if he's glad I figured it out.

"It's Uncle John," he says in a warning voice and the needles begin to poke a little harder. "We've had him sedated," he looks down for a second, "since we found Aunt Kelly," his eyes go to mine, "but he won't last long in this state."

Without thinking, I blurt out, "Good, let the asshole die."

Zack shakes his head, as if silently denying me, "We need information out of him, Katie," he admits, making me wonder what he's talking about. "If he, I mean the Demon, knows anything about what they're planning to do with Skylar, we need to"

Holy shit, I forgot about Skylar.

Out of nowhere it suddenly feels like I'm on a mission. I won't allow another person in my life to die. Not on my watch and hopefully, not ever again. "What are we waiting for? Let's go." I start to walk toward the door but Dominic pulls me back by the arm.

"Kate," he whispers, "You are not ready."

I don't know if something just clicked inside me or if I'm just beyond furious, but I can already feel the blood rushing to my face, "Oh, you have no idea how ready I am," my eyes go back and forth to Dominic and Zack, who now look so surprised it would be funny under different circumstances. "I refuse to keep running away when things get too intense. I'm doing this...with or without you." I bite out, taking another step toward the door.

"Hold up." Zack says, stopping me from going any further. "We must prepare ourselves first."

He knows I have the last word on this and I'm relieved he's not going to fight me but maybe he's right. I've at least learned enough on this crazy journey to know that it's probably a good idea to listen before my anger gets the best of me. "Okay," I look up at Dominic who still doesn't look convinced before glancing back at my brother, "what do we need to do?"

He takes in a breath, as if happy I'm actually listening this time and lets it out slowly, "Dominic, take her to the Chapel. I will gather the supplies and meet you there shortly."

Dominic nods as Zack leaves the room and then looks back to me, "You do not have to do this, Kate. It is clear the Demon is still inside your uncle."

I cock my head, not intending for it to pop like it just did and squint my eyes, "Oh, I'm fully aware the Demon is still there," I pause, thinking of all the ways I want to kill the man and the monster, "but that's not going stop me from playing with my new toy."

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