Chapter 58

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A look of panic washes over Skylar's face and he holds up both hands like he's directing traffic. "Wait! I—I'm not going anywhere!" he yells in a shaky voice.

"You have no choice." I simply say, hoping he doesn't try anything stupid.

Skylar's eyes shift from me to Dominic as Aunt Kelly and Uncle John watch from behind us.

"I—I won't go. You can't make me!" he shouts, turning around like he's about to take off but Dominic is way ahead of him, grabbing his collar before he can take even one step.

"You will come. We do not have time for this." Dominic says, his voice calm but fierce.

Skylar stumbles and yanks his shoulder away from Dominic's grip like a little kid who just got in trouble. "I can walk, dammit!"

Dominic steps away, glaring at him as if reminding him to behave and reaches for my hand. "We must go. Now!" he says, jerking his head toward the forest.

His gesture doesn't go unnoticed as Aunt Kelly, Uncle John and Skylar follow us down a slight hill and through the heavily wooded path. Luckily, it's light enough to see but we have to walk in single file, navigating past thorny vines and low hanging branches. What feels like an hour but is most likely only twenty minutes, we finally reach the entrance to the cave. Dominic stops just before going in and glances back at me as if something is wrong and I tilt my head in question.

"Zack is waiting inside." Dominic says in a low voice.

"Good, I need to talk to him." I say, wondering why he's stopping us.

"Do you think your aunt is ready?" he whispers.

"What do you mean?"

"He is not the same as he once was." he pauses for a second. "We need to prepare her."

"She'll be fine." I answer; waving my hand like it's no big deal. "She already knows he's alive—I mean, back."

Dominic shoots me a look as if he's in doubt and steps aside for me to lead them in.

The cave is beyond dark, like it normally is, but the torches give off enough light to see our way around. Scanning the room, I spot Zack immediately, standing by the huge rock where Dominic's crystals remain lined up. He's wearing a dark cloak with the hood over his head and for the first time since seeing him again, I notice he's giving off a subtle light—almost as if he's glowing. He definitely has an otherworldly look, which is strangely mesmerizing. I'm frozen for a second, taking it in when Aunt Kelly comes up to my left. She's shaking as if hyped up on adrenaline or nerves; I'm not sure which, and squints as if she's trying to make out who he is. Her eyes go wide and her body wobbles into mine, causing me to stumble but Dominic instantly reacts, catching her by the arms. Then he shoots me an "I told you" look but I ignore it.

"Zack?" she whispers.

He pulls down his hood, revealing his new, bright blue eyes and Aunt Kelly gasps just before running into his arms. A few seconds later, Zack loosens his embrace and locks eyes with her.

"Kate told me it was true...but, I—I still can't believe it's really you!" she strokes his face with her palm, studying his features.

Zack smiles and gently kisses cheek. "Yes, Aunt Kelly, we definitely have some catching up to do, but first..." he stops, looking up at me and then to Dominic. "We need to discuss what just happened and what we've now started."

"What we started?" I pop back. "We were attacked!" I say a little louder than intended, shifting my eyes to Uncle John who looks slightly in shock as he gazes at Zack.

"I'm fully aware of what happened." Zack calmly says.

"Then where the hell were you when I screamed your name?" I yell, this time with full intention.

"Clearly, you didn't need me." Zack says, cocking his head. "You will never know your true abilities if you always seek help."

"True abilities?" I scream. "Dominic could have died!"

"Dominic did die." Zack admits. "But you saved him...yourself."

"I kissed him, Zack." I shout, as blood rushes to my face. I'm pissed and don't understand why he's being so nonchalant about this.

"He's right." Skylar chimes in and I whip my head in his direction. "I saw the whole thing myself, we all did."

Wait...the floating, the feeling of energy being sucked out of me.

Holy shit.

Realization washes over me and my palm instantly goes to my mouth.

"Now do you believe me?" Zack says, smiling as he nods his head. "You've only just begun uncovering your true gifts..."

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