Chapter 84

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"Particularly evil?" I repeat his words. "W—what exactly do you mean?" 

"Let's just say that if Satan himself had sidekicks, this Demon would be one of them."

The look on my face must have engaged Zack's brotherly instincts because he instantly rushes to me, grabbing my arms to keep me from falling flat on my ass.

"I—I'm not ready for this." I whisper, catching my breath before being guided back to the wingback chair.

"Actually, you are." Zack says, squatting to face me, as if I'm instantly a child. "You've already dealt with him once," he pauses and smiles but it's not quite reaching his eyes.

"You and Dominic did it--not me!" I whisper-shout, trying to catch a full breath.

"That's where you're wrong." he takes my hands. "We only weakened the Demon. You were the one who removed him completely."

"Then why is be back?" I shake my head. "H—how is he back?"

Zack looks down and bites one side of his lip—something I suddenly remember he did when he had to tell me our parents were dead. "Like I said, this Demon or I should say, 'Zull,' is particularly bad," he takes in a breath, letting it out slowly before going on, "Most Demons don't have the strength to fight against even one Seraph, let alone three Seraph beings, all at once. And, I knew right then that there would be a good chance Zull would return."

"So you think he's back?"

Zack's lips tighten and he nods, suddenly looking past me when he hears the same quick footsteps I hear, approaching us as they echo off the stone floor.

"Here you are, your Majesty." Victoria says, handing me a chilled glass filled with ice and what looks like the Diet Coke I requested.

"Thank you." I smile as best I can, taking it from the tray she's holding like she's become some kind of waitress. Zack looks back to me and I can tell he wants to continue our discussion privately. "I'll only be a minute." I tell her and thank God, she clues in and rushes out the door before I have to ask her to leave. I don't need more awkwardness between the two of us.

As soon as the door closes, Zack stands and walks to the fireplace, propping his elbow on the mantle, "So," he sighs, "The next thing to do is talk some sense into Aunt Kelly."

"Why, is she being difficult?"

"You could say that." Zack answers, rubbing his jawline, "She wants nothing to do with finding out if the Demon is gone for sure," he pauses, shaking his head, "But it's pretty obvious she simply doesn't want to lose him...not again."

"Wait, what do you want me to do?" I ask, already knowing the answer and dreading his words before they even come out of his mouth.

"I want you to convince her, of course." he says and I close my eyes. The last thing I want to do is torment her with the possibility of Uncle John experiencing more physical pain...or even death. 

"Why can't you talk to her? She'll listen to you—hell, she adores you."

"You know I've already tried, Katie." Zack whispers, stating the obvious.

"And if I decide against it--what then?"

"He'll die for sure." he admits, pushing his brows together, "At least with your help, Uncle John stands a chance."

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