Chapter 91

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Dominic whips his head and glances at me, tightening his lips, before looking back to Gideon, "You are right." he says, closing his eyes as if finally realizing what a complete jerk he was being, "Brief me before the Fighters leave."

Gideon gives him a quick nod as Dominic turns and walks in my direction--and I can already see the apology in his eyes. I'm still so mad I can barely look at him but he doesn't give me a chance to get away as he gently takes my arm, "Forgive me," he whispers, the sincerity in his voice practically punches me in the gut, "I—I do not have an excuse for my actions," he says, trying to get me to look up at him, "Kate, please..." his voice low and pleading like his life depends on it and I finally allow my eyes to go to his, "I am a Warrior," his breath catches, "and the need to fight with my men is all I have ever known, all I have ever wanted to do," he reaches for my hand, "But now," he blinks and I swear I see wetness on his cheek, "it is more clear than ever. I must put you and your needs even before my own," his fingers tenderly push back the hair covering one of my eyes, "and I will never deny you have my word."

Well shit...

The anger that consumed me only seconds ago washes away like it was never there. I'm not sure if he did it or I just forgave him on my own but he means every single word he just said. There's no way I can stay mad, this moment is suddenly too special. I have to break down my walls too and kill the ridiculous pride that has lead me to so many stupid decisions and unnecessary heartache.

It's's just time.

Reaching up, I touch his face and watch his eyes close as he turns in to kiss my palm—and that's when I feel it. A shift, or maybe a transformation somehow in our relationship. Instantly, it feels stronger, deeper, even more compassionate. Almost like I've finally broken a wild horse that no one else could...and he's finally mine, all mine.

"Guess I'm not the only one who has some learning to do." I give him a slight grin and the relief behind his eyes completely changes his expression, making my forgiveness even sweeter. Suddenly, all I want to do is make this man happy. I don't care if I'm giving in too easily and I don't care if we still have so much more to learn because if I can get him to look at me just once more the way he's looking at me right now, every single thing I've gone through in my life will be worth it.

He pulls me close and I slip my arms under his warm cloak, breathing in his amazing rosemary and musk scent. We stay like this for a few more blissful seconds before he whispers, "Come on, my love, I will escort you back to our quarters."

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